Kyle Rittenhouse Not Voting For Trump – IOTW Report

Kyle Rittenhouse Not Voting For Trump

No one ever said he was smart.

33 Comments on Kyle Rittenhouse Not Voting For Trump

  1. He needs a mentor like Tucker Carlson. Did you see TC with Don Jr talking about how our guv classified over a billion documents about how OUR money is being spent? So don’t expect them to tell you the truth about anything.

  2. Hey kid, by not voting for Trump you’re just giving the democraps another vote for tyranny and the taking away of your 2nd Amendment rights if they win the Presidency, God forbid. Suck it up, hold your nose and do the right thing because there is no other choice.

  3. And play loudly Bottle of Wine by The Fireballs, Bottle of wine, fruit of the vine when are you going to let me vote sober. Take one for the Trump team kid, otherwise you might regret it for the rest of your life if the democraps get their way.

  4. I think President Trump got a real good lesson in how the Government can’t protect you from guns, especially if it’s the Government’s guns doing the shooting.

  5. He was a fool to be running around with a gun in Kenosha back then, and he’s a fool to be running his mouth about guns now. He obviously got nothing from his ordeal except an addiction to social media celebrity.

    Kyle, I haven’t heard from George Zimmerman lately. Have you? No? I wonder why that is.

  6. Far worse is those who say they won’t vote because of the ‘uniparty’. Voting against the insane/ crook infested left has always been the whole point of voting.

    If you don’t like the (R) candidates, change them at the primaries, or give support to the real conservatives.

    Trying to persuade (R) voters to not vote because the parties are the “same” is idiotic and should be called out as traitor talk, possibly a leftist propaganda campaign.

    If you refuse to vote (R) because the (R)s aren’t perfect, and you just can’t stand it – OK. I can understand refusing a vote to Romney or McCain. But voting is a DUTY – to oppose the Lunatic (D)irtbag party

  7. Hmm, let’s see. I could waste my vote and let Kami in. Or, I could vote for someone who I’m pissed off at because he banned a silly piece of plastic. A guy who will also fix a lot of what’s wrong with this country.
    Hey dumb shits, if Kami gets in your tactical weapons are gone by the end of her first term. Seems like a pretty easy choice to me. But then again I can think.

  8. Talk about a self-inflicted wound what a dumb ass.
    Single issue voters are not critical thinkers.
    How about you vote for the person protecting all our
    inalienable rights.

  9. I still 100% support him on killing the punks in Wisconsin, but I have also said for awhile now, he needs to just fade into regular life and quit talking. Thankfully, most don’t take advice from kids and he’s still just a kid. Trouble is he’s taken a lot of bad advice since being acquitted because he’s a dumb kid.

  10. The Kyle Rittenhouse’s of the country are in dire need of hearing from all of us here at We’re not coasting in like (we thought we were) in this election. It’s going to take every single one of us with our shoulder to wheel. No good just opining about the state of things.

    It makes a real difference when we’re all involved. Don’t know where to start or be of assistance? Get ahold of your precinct captain. If you don’t have one, become one. And talk, talk, talk! To everyone! Tell them why you’re voting for Trump/Vance. You guys and gals are full of info for the lofo voters.

  11. Great advice, AbigailAdams. Getting involved in the election process is vital. Precinct Officials from judges to precinct poll workers (check-in, ballot distribution, etc.) election site observers and campaigners are just some of the crital roles all voters can participate in, especially needed are conservative involvement. BTW, in some states these are paid positions.
    Gen Z, Millennials don’t have a foundational education about civic duty. We do have to start with family, friends. Given, it’s an uphill battle.

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