L.A. Forced To Remove 1.5 Million Inactive Voters – IOTW Report

L.A. Forced To Remove 1.5 Million Inactive Voters



A lawsuit brought forth by the watchdog group Judicial Watch is forcing Los Angeles County to excise an estimated 1.5 million inactive voters from its voter rolls, and the state of California must update its voter registration rules so it complies with federal law.

7 Comments on L.A. Forced To Remove 1.5 Million Inactive Voters

  1. “the state of California must update its voter registration rules so it complies with federal law.”

    …if CA complies with Federal law here, it will be the FIRST time since President Trump was NOMINATED.

    CA has violated…and IS violating…SO many laws, one MORE ain’t gonna matter. They can ALWAYS find a friendly Obama judge to reverse it, the Senate Republicans still have too many RINOs, the Democrats who “won” the House BECAUSE of it DAMN sure ain’t gonna stop it, and the “justice” department is STILL too busy chasing Russian phamtoms and harassing Trump associates to help out.

    Mark my words, nothing will change, and CA won’t even lose a PENNY of Federal money over it. This will further embolden Democrats to ridiculous heights of obvious cheating in ’20.

    …but I’m sure President Hillary will look into it right away, as soon as she is installed following the coup, after dealing with her enemies FIRST, that is…

  2. Inactive voters wouldn’t include all the dead and fakes who voted for them in recent elections. So this reform will mostly affect areas that have less vote fraud – where there are enough honest citizens to prevent the wholesale vote fraud prevalent in (D)irtbag districts.


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