LA County Asks Homeowners To Store Homeless People In Their Backyard Sheds – IOTW Report

LA County Asks Homeowners To Store Homeless People In Their Backyard Sheds

Daily Caller: Los Angeles County asked homeowners to shelter homeless people in their backyard sheds, according to the Los Angeles Times Wednesday.

Homeowners might get paid to house the homeless in small sheds in their backyards, the Los Angeles Times reported. The Los Angeles City Council approved two new laws Wednesday to expedite the construction of the homeless city-housing project and a second that allows motels to be used as housing for the less fortunate in the meantime. Motels are also required to have counseling and substance abuse programs for the destitute, CurbedLA added.

The number of Los Angeles’ homeless in the past six years greatly increased by 75 percent from 32,000 to 55,000. The number grows to 58,000 if Glendale, Pasadena and Long Beach are included in the statistics, according to the Los Angeles Times. The Board of Supervisors approved a $550,000 pilot program to build small houses for homeworkers who agreed to house a homeless person in August 2017. Charitable giving organization Bloomberg Philanthropies also awarded a $100,000 Mayor’s Challenge grant to Los Angeles to research the concept of housing units for homeless folks in backyards.  MORE HERE

32 Comments on LA County Asks Homeowners To Store Homeless People In Their Backyard Sheds

  1. Yeah, I’ve always felt safer when there’s a mentally deranged person living in my backyard. But when they have their friends over for a cookout I get a little paranoid.

  2. Who gets to pick up the Muscatel and Mad Dog bottles?
    When the cops raid for drugs, whose shit gets confiscated?
    Can you ask em to leave after they rape your children and eat your dog?

    Questions, questions, questions …

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Motels must have drug counseling units but the sheds can have drums of gasoline, fertilizer, rat poison, turpentine, chlorine, and fire starter gel for the bbq… we dont mind that!!

  4. You and/or your next door neighbors first Mr/Ms County Supervisors… Tell us how like having a homeless encampment in your or your direct neighbor’s backyard. Bet you not a single one voting for this crap program would want one anywhere near their own personal real estate.

  5. A whole Galaxy of Nopes
    It would be cheaper to build giant mental hospitals and finance psychology and psychiatry degrees for a million Millennials to treat them, than to expose a neighbor’s child to a monster

  6. Having strangers in your backyard, especially if they haven’t had all her shots.
    You could be liable, your family become disease ridden.
    What could possibly go wrong?

  7. I can envision motels shutting down. No matter how much the state says they’ll reimburse, it would never be enough to get their business back in shape. Sell, now, because you have lost it anyway.

  8. Start with those Hollywood lefty actors.
    I’m sure they have plenty of room in their yards and could possibly even move some into extra rooms in their environmentally friendly mansions.

  9. the government creates the problem & their solution is to have taxpayers shoulder even more burden …. socialism … equal misery for all (it’s only ‘fair’!)

    fuque that shit … send them all to the mayor’s house, the mayor’s office, every stinkin’ city councilcritter’s house & office … problem solved

  10. Add a “you first” amendment which mandates all social experiments to be implemented on lawyers, politicians, college employees and entertainers. Once they have the bugs and or bed bugs worked out then pass it on down to the rest of us.

  11. Hey….Why didn’t I think of that??
    Holy crap, I have a couple of small out buildings to store a few complete strangers.

    I have a lean-to that should work for some that are totally unknown to me.
    Hell, I even have a crawl space that could easily accommodate several knife-wielding, theft-minded low-life’s that would rather steal, beg, rob or otherwise deceive people of their hard-earned money than to actively attempt to support themselves.

    I am so enthused about this revolutionary idea that I am including my name, address and phone number:

    Anywhere, any town, 1-800-eat-shit.

  12. @Alan:

    Do they have to be alive or could you take them to a taxidermist and have them mounted before storing?

    It’s either the taxidermist or you’ll need to pick up a few used industrial freezers and hope the power doesn’t go out.

  13. Why not just go full Cuba?
    95 % of them have burned every bridge in life and most are druged out.
    If I wanted a meth head or drunk living in my yard I would get my nephew or brother in law.
    Don’t feed them and they will learn or die. Help is for people that want to turn their life around.
    The purpose of hunger is that you would wake up, (the prodigal son) Every answer we needs is in the Bible.
    I know, wheres the love?

  14. What if your house doesn’t have enough toilets for all? Will you need to put a couple of plastic outhouses in the backyard? This will cause great health crises in LA. Taxpayers will have to pay for the vaccinations, How will illiteracy be eradicated when illiterates are imported? It is another big, stupid, expensive, bleeding heart program. Democrats don’t care how much of your money they spend.

  15. No, no, no. Do NOT warehouse your bums. Portland’s mayor and the city council want all the worthless, unmotivated bums they can recruit to make sure Portland always votes democrat. Send your revenue depleting bums to Portland. The mayor will be grateful.

  16. This was the Seattle tiny homes in your backyard idea from last year moving to the next insane liberal city. What is next, maybe if my car is parked on the street they should be able to sleep in it.


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