LA: Higher minimum wage goes into effect – IOTW Report

LA: Higher minimum wage goes into effect

LADN: Los Angeles area employers will pay a higher minimum wage and offer at least six days of paid leave benefits under city and county laws that went into effect Friday.

The local laws require businesses with more than 25 workers to increase their minimum wage from the state-mandated $10 to $10.50 per hour. The hikes are taking place in Los Angeles and a few nearby cities, including Santa Monica and Pasadena, and unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County.

A provision in the city’s minimum wage law requiring employers with more than 25 workers to offer at least six days of paid sick leave also went into effect Friday. State law requires three days of paid sick leave.

Smaller businesses have an extra year to implement both provisions.

On Friday, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti joined other city officials and speakers at the Boyle Heights Technology Youth Center to discuss the wage increase, which is the first step of a gradual minimum wage increase to $15. Β more

15 Comments on LA: Higher minimum wage goes into effect

  1. Stupid is as stupid does.

    REgressivism is a mental disorder. Any ideology built on envy & jealousy is doomed. Of course while it’s dying(as now) it’s doubling down and causing even more desolation.

  2. 5 percent raise means 5 percent layoff

    and the 5 percent who are laid off will be the career bottom feeders who were whining about wage inequality

    that is the magic of economics

  3. I disagree – the 5% laid off will be the teens and those without skills, and who are almost completely voiceless on this issue. They will never have a chance to learn the skills at a reasonable wage so are stuck. The vocal ones driving it are privileged leftist ideologues, whose mommy and daddy sent them to the best universities.

  4. grayjohn: Ditto that for Oregon. I can’t wait for CA to follow Oregon and Washington’s “lead” and legalize marijuana so we can stop the latest influx of losers and slackers from the “golden state”. It was bad enough before!

  5. Get the message out Texas taxes newcomers from Cali at 90%. With a $50,000 buy-in up front.

    And you’ll have to get neutered or spayed if you’re a Dem.

    And you have to buy everone here a bottle of tequila.


  6. Left Coast Dan, that George Strait story should get you a pass into Arkansas. But call ahead. Arkansas had to ban Caliphornians because they made up the bulk of arrests on the interstate. Now they just open fire on any vehicle with cali plates because the jails are already full of them.

  7. Left Coast Dan, you’re spot on about those without skills.
    They have to compete with older workers with a family and who will suck up and endure the shit conditions because leaving means being homeless, so young workers, they are out in the cold.
    On a good note, guys like us will avoid the press gangs of the future when it comes time to work in the fields.

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