LA Times Report – Friend Says He Would Have Called Him a Democrat When He Knew Him – IOTW Report

LA Times Report – Friend Says He Would Have Called Him a Democrat When He Knew Him

LA Times-

“He was off, man,” said Robert Fautz, the landlord of a Hollywood, Fla., grocery store where Sayoc once worked in the early 2010s. “He was kind of like a loner-type guy, like a guy in high school who wore black lipstick.”

Fautz, who said he hadn’t seen Sayoc in at least six years, said that Sayoc was very opinionated, but that his political views had apparently shifted over the last decade. “I would have called him like a Democrat, if I had to pick him,” Fautz said. “He was pretty liberal.” Sayoc is now a registered Republican.

It’s only one of several shifting identities that Sayoc — who has claimed Filipino, Italian and Native American heritage — has held in his life, which has been marked by abrupt changes in direction and a smattering of criminal convictions.


14 Comments on LA Times Report – Friend Says He Would Have Called Him a Democrat When He Knew Him

  1. Here’s the deal. There’s a later voter registration showing him as a Republican. BUT, he’s a convicted felon for selling illegal drugs. So how’s he even voting? The drugs he was selling were steroids. I’ve been a gym rat since Christ was a kid and can spot his kind from a long way off. Pounded the juice, barely trained. Very smooth body. All the pictures show him retaining Lake Michigan. If he is a fruit loop, and hasn’t been fed LSD for the last two weeks straight waiting for the right time for the Clinton Foundation to finally release him, My money is on the Steroids doing a number on his little weak brain.

  2. Well I’m not buying the bs. This guy made fake bombs and sent them across the country. I’ve talked to several mail folks, from retired postal inspectors down to mail carriers and they all say bullshit. I may have this number wrong but I think it’s 13 ounces is all someone can leave for the carrier to pick up, then you have to take it to the post office where they weigh it and put correct postage on it along with stamp it. Everything goes through x-ray machines at sorting facilities so it would never have went out. USPS does not deliver mail to those under secret service protection, it goes through the secret service. So how did a guy living in his van manage to get these packages all across the country?
    Speaking of the van, how is a guy living in a van have all these stickers on his van in pristine condition, not even a spec of dirt? Hell these liberal snowflakes go into fits when they see a hat, but not one liberal idiot did a thing to this mobile billboard for Trump?

    Yeah this guy will plea real quick and we’ll never hear from him again after he drives off into the sunset with his payday for taking the fall or he’ll commit suicide in a few days.

  3. Reminds me of the O’keefe video where a dem operative admits that the left has
    been using the mentally ill to do their bidding involving violence and illegal activity for a long time.

  4. I spoke to an FBI Agent last night that works terrorism cases in NYC and he stated clearly that the case was bullshit and he echoed many of our same suspicions, he even mentioned Soros.


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