“Lady Frijoles” Arrested For Aggravated Assault – IOTW Report

“Lady Frijoles” Arrested For Aggravated Assault

We all knew it would only be a matter of time before the ungrateful illegal, known as “Lady Frijoles,” would wind up in trouble with the law. More

20 Comments on “Lady Frijoles” Arrested For Aggravated Assault

  1. So you can bite the hand that feeds you, or in this case assault the hand that shelters you.
    She looked like she wasn’t starving on the diet they were feeding her.
    Rather an ingrate I would say.

  2. Like Mexico isn’t poor enough without feeding you fuckers too.
    My only sadness this day is that Joe Arpaio is not directly responsible for your care and feeding.
    You would dream fond dreams of those beans, Signora Frijoles

  3. Mexico has enough worries of its own, and this ungrateful b**** gets on television nacionale to throw shade at their efforts to help her ungrateful ass? I wonder if she actually even volunteered to help people in the kitchen working or did she sit on her lazy ass all day?

  4. Great. American taxpayers are on the hook for feeding and housing her and her sister for the next 5-10. And each of their 4-5(?) kids should be good for $30-40K in taxpayer funding each.

    Wotta Country.

  5. They have different ways of cooking the beans. It’s like New Yawk pie vs Shitcago deep dish pizza. Bitter, bitter rivalries.

    Also, no latin American nation likes or respects its neighbors. Puerto Ricans are at the top of that pile because they hate everyone. Mesikins are actually kinda’ cool because they’re a big country and don’t care what all the lil’ nations think.

    But they are gettin’ cranky about all the central Americans in their nation. Reel cranky.

  6. One third of the world didn’t eat yesterday. Today was pretty much the same. Tomorrow does not look all that promising either. So, eat your FREE beans and thank the Good Lord for the beans you did not work for and do not deserve.

  7. The crowd there is slap full of chubby women with flat tits and rolls of flab hanging over their belt lines each with at least 2-3 fatherless children all waiting for the good life provided by the american taxpayer. Is anyone stupid enough to think they are coming here for work?

  8. That repulsive sow carping about the food provided looks like she’s been on a lifelong diet of Cheeto’s and Pepsi.
    She’s so typical of these border jumpers, they all have an attitude that they’re owed anything they desire and gratitude is never in the calculation.


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