Lame-Duck Obama Admin Rejects CA High-Speed Rail $15 Billion Loan – IOTW Report

Lame-Duck Obama Admin Rejects CA High-Speed Rail $15 Billion Loan

Breitbart: The California High-Speed Rail Authority came up empty when it asked the outgoing administration of President Barack Obama for a $15 billion loan, the Los Angeles Times reports.

State officials feared that with Republican Donald J. Trump taking office — somewhat unexpectedly — in January, and perhaps cutting off funding to the struggling project, which has never had a clear idea of how it would be financed, they would appeal to the Obama administration for a financial break.


13 Comments on Lame-Duck Obama Admin Rejects CA High-Speed Rail $15 Billion Loan

  1. HeeHee, this is perfect. Some bodies got some splanen to do. These assholes were just sayen Cali should split from the union because we pay far more taxes in than we get back.
    There goes all those pesky sanctuary cities.

  2. Hey ask Bad Brad. I understand that this speed rail is a waste of Tax Payers money. But what do I know? Maybe Oblome is pissed off that that he wasn’t offered waterfront property in Malibu. Who the fuck knows?

  3. Tommy, that entire project is a liberal pipe dream managed by liberal pipe dreamers. Locally it’s called the train to no where. It’s first phase begins and ends in sparsely populated Central Valley. Flat. They’re way over budget and they haven’t addressed digging tunnels yet. Not to mention a couple right of way law suites coming up from some of the big ranchers and farmers in the Central Valley. You know, the same people that no longer have any WATER.

  4. Bad_Brad December 26, 2016 at 10:54 pm

    HeeHee, this is perfect. Some bodies got some splanen to do. These assholes were just sayen Cali should split from the union because we pay far more taxes in than we get back.
    There goes all those pesky sanctuary cities.


    Which come January will be defunded. I hope that Delta pipeline gets shoved up Browns ass as well!

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