Land Of Lincoln Is Stinkin,’ Of Corruption – IOTW Report

Land Of Lincoln Is Stinkin,’ Of Corruption

The Hill

A sprawling federal investigation into lobbying, patronage and alleged corruption threatens to upend Illinois’s powerful Democratic machine as agents raid offices and interrogate witnesses from Chicago to Springfield.

Federal agents have conducted searches of at least nine homes and offices in connection to a probe of Commonwealth Edison, the state’s largest utility, and the political operation run by state House Speaker Mike Madigan, the most powerful Democrat in Illinois.

Those agents have been asking questions about Madigan, his associates and his political operation, according to two people who have sat for interviews with law enforcement. More

13 Comments on Land Of Lincoln Is Stinkin,’ Of Corruption

  1. This scandal would never have come to light under Obama. One of the best arguments for voting (R) is that (D)s cover for each other, and are the party of big govt.

    When (R)s are in power, they are hounded from office at the least pretext. When (D)s are in power, there are no scandals because the deep state and news media cover for them – thus there is no justice for govt evils.

  2. When has Illinois government not been corrupt. Honest Abe couldn’t even save Illinois from “kickback paddywhack” shenanigans.
    Democrat progressives, unions and crime bosses rule the state. Mayor Daley (D) (including his son who later was mayor) and his cronies made Chicago infamous and nationally scandalous.
    This latest investigation is “quid pro quo” business as usual. Seems some at the federal level have noticed once again Illinois government moves more crooked than Hillary after one of her seizure.

  3. Back in the early 80s, my dad was denied a job he’d been promised at a minimum security prison. He didn’t vote Democrat as much as another guy or campaign for a local politician enough. In Illinois.

  4. The picture on that article in The Hill is of JB Pritzker, the governor, not Madigan. I’m sure he’s not happy about that. madigan has no cell phone or email so he can’t get tapped or hacked or caught in a surveillance web. Maybe he avoids getting photographed too. I can’t wait for some of the scum on his team to flip on him. It’s bound to happen and may be the only way they will be able to get him. Obama has significant ties back to all the crap going on with Excelon/Comed, including Axelrod. Emmanuel, and former Excelon CEO Thomas Ayers, father of Bill Ayers — 60s radical and terrotist and ghost writer of Obama’s book. This swamp extends way way beyond Washington DC

  5. Obama was recruited fairly recently, but he became a cog in the machine, and he and that beast he tows aroudn were great beneficiaries of this corruption in Illinois. He remained a cog in the wheel of corrption well into… his nauseating White House years. (It still is creepy to type that.)

  6. 60 years ago, when I was an undergrad in the dorms, the most popular TV show was “Cops + Waps”. the dorm had only 1 tv. guys started going there 30 min before it started. I (I a serious student, who had a part time job and litle time) got there 1 min before start. It was SRO! the show was about Ill in the 30’s! Elliot Ness had to deal with crooked judges (see Roberts is neither unique nor the first) and dirty cops.

    Another liberal liar was Speaker 14 years ago. This leftist crook is now in Jail, as they all should be! Liberals name is Hastert!


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