Lanny Davis’ ‘truth fund’ Donors want refunds – IOTW Report

Lanny Davis’ ‘truth fund’ Donors want refunds

WaEx: Some donors to a “truth fund” promoted by attorney Lanny Davis believe he should issue refunds after he admitted lying about what his client Michael Cohen knows about President Trump.

Davis unveiled the “Michael Cohen Truth Fund” last week, and netted about $165,000 since the former Trump “fixer” pleaded guilty to tax and bank fraud, and to campaign finance crimes he said were at Trump’s direction.

Davis promoted the fundraiser with interviews saying Cohen would be an open book for special counsel Robert Mueller, before saying he gave false information to news outlets about what Cohen knows.

Two donors told the Washington Examiner they have regrets after Davis admitted lying to news outlets in late July, when he claimed Cohen could testify that he witnessed Donald Trump Jr. notify his father in advance of a Trump Tower meeting with Russians offering dirt on Hillary Clinton.

Davis now says he doesn’t know if that’s true… read more

9 Comments on Lanny Davis’ ‘truth fund’ Donors want refunds

  1. Yea, right Good Luck with that! They could have video of a donor/defender of the Clinton’s chainsawing children and nothing would happen. We need a hat trick to rid the world of Clinton scum, until then forget about it.

  2. Cohen is playing them all for fools. He has given them nothing but embarrassment. I believe Cohen is a plant and still works for Trump. He will get a pardon for his very minor crimes (if sentenced). Trump is the Roadrunner, dems are Wile E. coyote, and Cohen is an Anvil on their heads.

  3. I guess Lanny Boy figures that clients who own nine million dollar homes need money to pay for hapless attorneys who can’t help lying to promote their real cause: President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton. Who will rid us of this meddlesome shyster?


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