Larry Elder: The rise of young black Conservatives – IOTW Report

Larry Elder: The rise of young black Conservatives


This past weekend, I spoke for the second time at the second annual Black Leadership Summit in Washington, D.C., hosted by Turning Point USA. Turning Point was founded in 2012 by then-18-year-old Charlie Kirk. Its website describes its goal as seeking “to identify, educate, train, and organize students to promote the principles of freedom, free markets, and limited government.”

In addition to the Black Leadership Summit, Turning Points holds other annual gatherings, including the Young Women’s Leadership Summit, the Young Latino Leadership Summit and the Student Action Summit. Turning Point, according to Kirk, has established chapters at over 1,000 college campuses across the country. In a short time, the organization has become quite a force.

In an interview with Business Insider, Kirk asked: “Have you ever seen a conservative shout down a liberal speaker on campus? Isn’t that kind of strange, though, that the left does that every day and conservatives don’t?” He argues: “We live in a broken culture. Where the conservative movement is making gains really quick and where the left is really struggling right now is that we are offering remedies for a broken culture.” more

39 Comments on Larry Elder: The rise of young black Conservatives

  1. Blacks are only “conservative” because the line for leadership is shorter.

    BLEXIT IS NOT REAL!!!! Trump will get 4% of the black vote in 2020. If you think otherwise, you’re delusional.

  2. @Onginer — Say wha-a-t?! I’d say the bus you’ve been riding is shorter, still! Holy smokes, you just made my day! What a laugh.

    Rasmussen last week put POTUS Trump’s overall approval rating by black Americans at 35%. The D’s are hyperventilating because any black support for Trump over 10% puts them in the “danger zone.”

    Read it and weep, my friend:

    Don’t be coming ’round IOTWReport with your phony baloney and wishful thinking. LOL! Haha…4% That’s a good one.

  3. Black who vote lockstep with the left aren’t any dumber than American Jews who vote for people who would destroy them.

    So blacks are waking up. When will enough prog Jews do the same?

  4. I listen to Larry Elder’s podcasts. Like him a lot — don’t agree with everything he has to say, but he’s good.

    I do wish that Owens (can’t remember her married name) hadn’t gone to PragerU and Dennis Prager, though. It’s probably a great gig for her, but I watched Prager do a panel with Hugh Hewitt and Alistair Begg once in which he tried (unsuccessfully) to argue points of Christian doctrine with perhaps the most squared away Christian teachers in America — Begg. Seeing his errors, he began to get very (very) sarcastic and just plain rude with Begg (who is an extremely gracious man). Begg is so sharp, so able, he could have wiped the floor with both Prager and Hewitt, but he resisted the urge. Ever since seeing that exchange, I have seen Prager in a different light. And I’m not sure about his so-called “Rational Bible” (he’s basically rewriting the Bible), or his agreement with Jordan Peterson that Christians should NEVER dare to call themselves Christians because they can never be Christ-like. Both men miss the entire point that Christians are well aware of that fact, thus the need for Christ. Seems like a pretty basic fact and an enormous hole in their logic, whom both refuse to elucidate in their talks.

  5. @abigailadams

    I’m glad I could make you laugh. Time will tell and I have a long memory. I’m looking forward to Nov. 2020 when I can be the one laughing at you.

    What are we going to bet? I’ll wager $10,000 that I’m closer at 4% of the black vote than you are at 35% of the black vote in 2020.

    How confident are you? Put your money where your mouth is.

    If Trump gets 19% or less of the black vote, you pay me 10k, if he gets more than 19% I’ll pay you 10k.


  6. @joe

    You’re probably right, if I had to guess a number I’d guess 8%… same as he received in 2016. However, you’re missing the point… 5%, 10%, 15% is all pathetic. We are supposed to praise blacks because one in ten votes for trump? It’s that mindset that gives us loser candidates like Romney and McCain.

    Here’s a wager as courageous as yours- I’ll give 100-1 odds that he doesn’t get over 20%? Wanna take that one?

  7. Onginer

    You said Trump will get 4% of the black vote. You seem pretty convinced. If Trump got 19% of the black vote, which he will easily, that would be a huge victory.
    Put YOUR money where your mouth is, at 4%.

  8. Onginer, I believe you are the one missing the point. We are not praising blacks because one in ten votes for Trump. We are praising Trump for giving blacks the confidence in their country, so that more blacks vote republican than they have since LBJ’s Great Society. Tell you what, If you’re itching to make a bet I’ll take 25-1 odds on 15%.

  9. Surprising timing. I’m vacationing on NC coast, where Larry’s radio show is broadcast in the evenings. By chance I heard his interview with the founder of Turning Point USA a few days ago.

  10. Onginer, just so we are straight, on a $1,000.00 bet, if Trump gets 15.00% or more of the black vote you will pay off $25,000.00 to me. Anything less than 15.00% and I will owe you $1,000.00. I’ll give you some time to think about it, but I could be talked into it easily. Are we going to put the money in escrow while we wait for the election. If for some unforeseen reason Trump does not run, the bet is off with all funds returned.

  11. @Oninger — I’ve got a long memory, too. Didn’t mean to mock you so publicly, friend. I should have an airbag on my keyboard to avoid this kind of thing. It just made me laugh out loud, given all the extremely positive news — not just for black Americans, but ALL Americans — on all facets of the economic front. And if any polls can be believed, it just makes sense that if such-and-such a percentage of any demographic voted for Trump in ’16, those numbers will improve. Gotta keep in mind that the media was just as hard for nearly as long for candidate Trump as they are for president Trump. One thing is certain, Trump’s popularity among the working class of this country — of all stripes — is rock solid, and that would include blacks as well.

    What makes you think it will go down from ’16?

    (I wouldn’t make a money bet with anyone on a blog, but I’ll bookmark this thread for future reference, okay?)

  12. @abigailadams

    I don’t think his support will go down. In a realistic guess I would guess 8% just like 2016, 10% would be the absolute ceiling.

    But there are several things that could make his support with blacks go down; eg:
    -Stacey abrams as a running mate on the dem ticket
    -Andrew Gilliam as a running mate on the dem ticket

    I know the poll your talking about where blacks approve of trump at 35%, however that is very old.

    This link is only a week old.

    “only 4 percent of black people said they think Trump’s actions have been good for African Americans”

    In 2018 Stacey abrams received 96% of the black vote in Georgia.

    I’m very pessimistic on the black vote being big for Conservatives, because I hear that every election cycle and every election cycle it’s the same crap, they never learn.

  13. @Onginer — Not sure I’d put a lot of stock in an AP-NORC poll. They like to tout their “largest”, “oldest”, etc., but over half of their organization is staffed by academics out of their own University of Chicago and their telephone pollsters are paid $11./hour; lots of turnover, not a lot of skill. And the Associated Press is notoriously anti-conservative. I wouldn’t trust them AT ALL. Just sayin’

    Well, we’ll see. From what I’m reading and hearing, we’re going through a sea change on black voting habits. What’s happening is exactly what I thought would happen. The unemployment for African-Americans is historically low; the only people complaining about that are the Democrats. And they’re the only ones using race-baiting language. Black Americans are listening to it and making up their own minds about it. They don’t like what they’re hearing from the Dems on a number of issues, especially open borders — which everyone but Gabbard, wants.

    Why don’t you think BLEXIT is real?

  14. Onginer send the money to Mr. Hat all $25,000.00 let him sit on it. Joe can send his $1,000.00 and let the best man win.
    My money is on Joe6pak.
    As it stands today without Michele in the mix P.Trump gets 25% of the black vote.
    “Its the economy stupid” James Carville.
    We will watch this to see who wins.

  15. @abigailadams

    I don’t think BLEXIT is real because no elections have shown it to be real.

    Here is a Washington post article from last month (I don’t like them but it is compelling)

    My favorite quote from the article

    “One percent of the 1,068 African American women surveyed said they would vote for the president if the election were held today. But Trump’s support jumps to 2.3 percent among black women ages 18 to 34”

    A whopping 2.3%!!!!! LOOKOUT!!!!

    What evidence do you have to support Blexit? Show me an actual election where blacks come out and support conservatives in “a sea change”

  16. Hahaha normally iotw is an island of sanity but right now it seems like wishful thinking in everyone’s part has shown them to forget black voting patterns for the previous 50 years. I’m the only person here with history supporting what I’m saying. Everyone disagreeing with me has no history to support them.

  17. The more people that disagree with me the funnier this shits going to be when I get to comment in Nov. 2020 (Hopefully after a Trump victory) that Blexit was wishful thinking by baby boomers too scared of being called racist. You’re comments will not have aged well.


    25%?!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha

  18. @Oninger — Uh oh. Among my bookmarks are all of the 2015/16 threads with the really awful comments from everyone who said I was a fool and that they’d be back, post-election, to cram my #$@$*! words down my throat. I was a total, bleeping, idiot to “believe” Trump would ever be elected. There are too many “XXXXX?!!! Hahahahahaahaha!” comments to count!

    Your supposition that my wishful thinking is the result of not wanting to be called “racist” is in error. I never worry about that for I have been called that — as all Deplorables have been called that — by the Left. If you haven’t been called a racist, you’re not a conservative in America.

    I don’t see why an election should be the litmus test on changing voter sentiment. Black, white, Asian, Hispanic: Trump’s agenda and the fulfillment of campaign promises is not going unnoticed.

    As I wrote earlier, we’ll see, but my hunch is strong that we’ll all be surprised by the 2020 GE’s result — in a good way.

  19. …and just one other thing:

    The pendulum of history never stops. Way back in the beginning of the Republican party, black Americans voted with them to secure their freedom and their rights. Democrats have done every kind of low-down thing to keep them on their ideological plantation. The sea change I’m talking about is this: Up ’til now it’s been mainly white (or non-black) conservatives who have talked about the Democrat Plantation. In the past three or so years, it’s mainly black conservatives who have been talking about it. This is the change I’ve been waiting and hoping for.

  20. @aa

    So far I haven’t called you any names or claimed I will cram anything down your throat if I’m right. I’d love if blacks starting voting conservative but I haven’t seen any evidence, other than the occasional poll saying they support trump at 35%.

    In the elections of 2018’:
    -Stacey abrams in GA got 96% of the black vote
    -96% of black women voted for Andrew Gillum in Florida
    -98% of black women voted for Doug Jones in Alabama (2017)

    Where and when have blacks voted significantly for a conservative? The history of black voters has left me jaded and pessimistic on the prospect of conservative votes coming from the black community… can you blame me?

    If I’m right, I hope we can all stop trying to fool ourselves with Blexit.

  21. @Oninger — I don’t blame you a bit. Let’s see what happens. Every change begins with individual people doing courageous things that go against convention. I see a lot of that these days. Thankfully, we have a president who is making it look easy and doesn’t back down from a fight for what he believes is right.


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