LA’s Gigantic Homeless Problem Could Derail Anti-Trump Mayor’s White House Bid – IOTW Report

LA’s Gigantic Homeless Problem Could Derail Anti-Trump Mayor’s White House Bid

DC: Los Angeles’s chronically high homeless rate is threatening to torpedoe the political career of Mayor Eric Garcetti as the virulently anti-Trump Democrat mulls a possible White House bid in 2020.

Mayor Eric Garcetti is scratching and clawing for solutions to LA’s unsheltered homeless problem as the Democrat continues mulling a run for the White House in 2020. Analysts argue the city’s ever-increasing number of transient citizens could cost him if he runs for higher office.

“If there’s any hope of running for president, that’s the problem he has to fix,” Sherry Bebitch Jeffe, a public-policy professor at the University of Southern California, told The Los Angeles Times. “It taints his legacy as mayor, and it’s also a risk if he wants to move up.”

Garcetti, who has made no-bones about his plans to take on Trump, aims to get half of the city’s more than 25,000 homeless people into shelters before the end of his term. He has traveled across the country, talking jobs and infrastructure, while drawing a distinction between himself and Trump.  more here

13 Comments on LA’s Gigantic Homeless Problem Could Derail Anti-Trump Mayor’s White House Bid

  1. “LA’s Gigantic Homeless Problem “.
    And Santa Barbra, Fresno, Stockton, Orange County, Sacramento, Orvolle, Placerville, etc, etc.
    The weathers here, I wish you were fine. And the free shit is great.

  2. White male Dem, not going to be nominated unless he can generate tons of white guilt. He’s already mansplaining.

    Wait and see who the Clinton machine picks.

  3. When the current mayor of Vancouver BC first ran ten years ago, he pledged to wipe out homelessness in the city by 2015. Here it is 2018 and homelessness in Vancouver is at record levels. Funny how offering lazy people free stuff never seems to get rid of a problem.

    I am sure that there are good people who are homeless. I am also sure that they want nothing to do with places such as Los Angeles with the problems they have.

  4. On the bright side tent, cardboard box and shopping cart sales are growing in LA so Garcetti can claim some sort of positive economic impact on the local economy.

    Dr. Friedman pointed out correctly; and with data (before you’re born) “There is no Free lunch!”!?!@#%$!#

    The reason the standard of living for workers in Cal has dropped since Pete Wilson is all this “Free Shit”. IT AINT FREE

    Workers are paying for it with a standard of living that has been in “tailspin” for over 25 years!
    The shit is not free. Criminal aliens may not pay but I, My kids and grandkids sure as Hell do!

  6. @Jerk: fixed it for you .
    On the bright side tent, cardboard box and shopping cart THEFTS are growing in LA so Garcetti can claim some sort of positive economic impact on the local economy.


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