Las Vegas Shooter Found With Same Bomb-Making Materials As The OKC Bomber – IOTW Report

Las Vegas Shooter Found With Same Bomb-Making Materials As The OKC Bomber


Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo told reporters Monday that ammonium nitrate, a chemical compound used to make homemade bombs was found in the Las Vegas shooter’s car.

Stephen Paddock, 64, opened fire on concert-goers in Las Vegas, Nev., Sunday night killing at least 59 and injuring more than 500 people.

This is a new discovery in the investigation of the horrific shooting and comes after details emerged of how Paddock opened fire from the 32nd story of the Mandalay Bay hotel at 10:08 p.m. local time, into a crowd of 22,000 gathered at a Jason Aldean concert, and then killed himself.   more

13 Comments on Las Vegas Shooter Found With Same Bomb-Making Materials As The OKC Bomber

  1. ^^^^^^This whole backstory stinks to high heaven^^^^^^^^^

    I can’t stomach watching the media parrot the narrative being fed to them, without a trace of incredulity. Maybe Jack Cashill or Jayna Davis will write a book about this someday.

  2. People that just ‘snap’ do not commit highly organized crimes that take months or years of planning and acquiring supplies etc. Particularly if they are obsessed with gambling. If he just snapped you’d expect him to go into a casino with a weapon etc. Why target a country western concert? Did he lose in poker to a guy wearing a cowboy hat or t-shirt featuring a country artist?! Nothing they are finding supports the public theory.

  3. Ammonium nitrate is an extremely common fertilizer, easily acquired. As VietVet said, just add fuel or diesel oil in the right proportion and you have a fair-to-middlin’ explosive mixture, just like the stuff used in quarries and surface mines.

  4. Uncle Al, yeah it works pretty good if you can find a stick of dynamite to set it off with.

    And how much fertilizer was found? Enough to blow up the Murrah building or enough to dose his flower beds.

    “He had empty wine bottles, rags and gasoline! Molotov Cocktail parts!!!”

  5. I’d like to know more about the persons in the crowd telling everyone that they were going to die that night. A witness described the persons of interest and that the police did in fact come in to remove them. Where are the reports questioning said persons for transmitting threatening messages? How long were they detained? Why weren’t they detained until the morning?
    Either present the information or prove the witness is lying.

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