‘Last Tweet’: Greg Gutfeld Joins Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Lou Dobbs In Leaving Twitter – IOTW Report

‘Last Tweet’: Greg Gutfeld Joins Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Lou Dobbs In Leaving Twitter

Daily Wire:

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld joined other prominent conservative voices on Saturday by abandoning his Twitter account after the social media platform permanently banned President Donald Trump.

“To be true to the resolution to myself: this is my last tweet. [O]ther than to read news, [I won’t] be on [T]witter,” Gutfeld first tweeted on Jan. 2. Offering the link to his own website, Gutfeld continued, “[Y]ou’re all invited there; just leave the bullshit behind. Tata.”


Join The Gutter

Consider this your local bar, where drinking is encouraged, fans are welcome and trolls get bounced. I look forward to seeing you there.

Back to Daily wire:

On Saturday, after Twitter had banned the president and seemingly began purging the followers of conservative accounts, Gutfeld returned for a final sign-off. “[O]kay, this IS my last tweet: CNN tries to get FNC banned. Apple targets Parler. Publishers dump writers. [M]usic labels drop artists. [T]witter bans/removes thousands. [T]ech companies join hands. [T]his redefines who the true rebels are.”

“[I]f you like the purge, you’re the servant,” Gutfeld added. MORE HERE

@LouDobbs I don’t believe any American should ever tolerate those who deny us freedom of speech or who would ever be so arrogant as to censor our President. I’m withdrawing from Twitter as of right now. Please join me on Parler @LouDobbsTonight. God bless you and America.8:32 PM · Jan 8, 2021

@marklevinshow I have suspended my own Twitter account in protest against Twitter’s fascism. I ask all my followers to join me now on Parler and Rumble. https://parler.com/profile/Marklevinshow…https://rumble.com/MarkLevinShow

25 Comments on ‘Last Tweet’: Greg Gutfeld Joins Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Lou Dobbs In Leaving Twitter

  1. I sympathize with those leaving, but this is exactly what twitter wants, crushing dissent is relativity easy when those dissenting leaves of their own volition.

    It would be better to stay and fight the tyranny from within, but this is coming from someone who never saw the benefits of twitter to begin with.

  2. We should organize a phone tree or something like it should the censorship shut down conservative sites such as IOTW.

    If anyone else is on Signal we should check out if we can do group meetings.

  3. “We should organize a phone tree or something like it should the censorship shut down conservative sites such as IOTW.”

    Back in the early days of the Clinton administration we used fax machines and BBS systems over the phone lines. Shortwave stations out of South America were also in use and pretty much untouchable by anyone like the FCC.

    They’re still available, and no one monitors them anymore so they’re pretty safe for now.

  4. The question is why any of these guys ever joined Twitter in the first place. It’s been pretty clear from the post that it was nothing more than a useless biased echo chamber and pi mill.

    Joining only serves to legitimize this and provides tacit approval to their way of doing business.

  5. From The Federalist:

    Twitter’s goal is to create for our children an America our parents would not recognize. Twitter is the enemy of freedom, the enemy of liberty, and the enemy of the American people. It must be treated as such.

    David Marcus is the Federalist’s New York Correspondent. Follow him on Twitter, @BlueBoxDave. H.Cow thinks that last sentance reveals the landscape.

  6. Ariel Pink got DROPPED?!

    The man is a musical genius- the quintessential shugaze artist. I love him.

    And now that I know he’s a free thinker, I appreciate him even more.

  7. It may also be why the techies are so frantic to block social media accounts. They already have warnings not to post Biden’s son. The implications are astounding!!!!

    Never fuck with Trump!!!!!!


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