Lawyer gives explanation about how a grandfather dropped toddler to death on cruise ship – IOTW Report

Lawyer gives explanation about how a grandfather dropped toddler to death on cruise ship

NEWSER) – A lawyer for the family of the 1-year-old girl who fell 11 stories to her death Sunday while aboard a docked cruise ship in Puerto Rico says the fault lies with Royal Caribbean, not the child’s grandfather. Michael Winkleman says in a statement picked up by WSBT that Chloe Wiegand and Salvatore Anello were in the ship’s kids water zone, and that Anello hoisted the 18-month-old onto a railing behind what he thought was a closed window. “Chloe wanted to bang on the glass like she always did at her older brother’s hockey games. Her grandfather thought there was glass just like everywhere else, but there was not, and she was gone in an instant.”

“Why in the world would you leave a window open in an entire glass wall full of windows in a kids area?” Winkleman told NBC News, calling it a “hidden danger” that should have featured a posted warning.


22 Comments on Lawyer gives explanation about how a grandfather dropped toddler to death on cruise ship

  1. I’m absolutely certain that if I was watching my grandchild, or any other child for that matter, I would recognize an open window from a closed window. Whether it was 11 stories up or 1 story up.

  2. Imagine the conversation when the parents returned from their shore excursion: “Dad, where is Chloe? I bought her the cutest outfit…”

    Old dumbass might want to jump as well.

  3. If you were the grandfather, would you hire a lawyer to bullshit your out of your killing your grandson, or would you do the honorable thing and fall on your sword?

    Thought so.

  4. “Why in the world would you leave a window open in an entire glass wall full of windows in a kids area?”

    Why in the world would anyone hoist a baby onto ANY kind of ledge ON A CRUISE SHIP?

    I really have no words. I. WOULD. JUST. FUCKING. DIE.

  5. sick. lawyers are such scum & only slightly above actors on the respectability scale, full of excuses & constantly blame others for their clients behavior … the tragedy is that it often works, … so … rinse & repeat, ad infinitum

  6. So this piece of shit absolves himself by blaming the cruise line for not having the play area encased in plexiglass for the baby to beat on?
    Charge the moron with manslaughter for his stupidity.

  7. Gramps may be a legit retard or a drunk or inbred to have not recognized no glass right in front of him, and he’s still at fault, but Hell awaits all dirtbag lawyers who’d try to blame someone else for things like this.

    You watch…the cruise line will end up coughing up.

  8. How devolved and depraved the people of our society are.

    Want to kill your unborn baby but can’t afford the fee? Someone from the government will get someone else to pay for it even though it’s all your fault.

    Negligently kill your own babies because you left them at home alone with the stove burning, or you are too stupid to not see glass? A lawyer will try to get someone else to pay for it even though it’s all your fault.

    Either way we’ll punish anyone who says it’s your fault, poor thing.

  9. Grandfather is still at fault whether there was glass on not! It was his responsibility to verify if area is safe or not! What was the age limit of the ‘Children Zone’? 1.5 years probably was not on the sign!

  10. He must be pretty dumb to think the window was closed when wind would most likely be blowing through the open window. Search for the picture of the window where she fell from…No sane person would assume that the window was closed.


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