Leading Cause of Death Among Children in U.S. – IOTW Report

Leading Cause of Death Among Children in U.S.

13 Comments on Leading Cause of Death Among Children in U.S.

  1. …I guess the “Guns kill all the children” people never heard of diarrhea…

    “Diarrhoea is a leading killer of children, accounting for approximately 9 per cent of all deaths among children under age 5 worldwide in 2019. This translates to over 1,300 young children dying each day, or about 484,000 children a year, despite the availability of a simple treatment solution.”

    …but shit isn’t sexy, neither is water treatment (as the Democrat leaders of Flint, MI could tell you), and dealing with it doesn’t provide tools to help bend the peasants to your will.

    So just lie and say GUNS!

    It’s not like your parrot press will gainsay you…

  2. It ain’t GUNS Joe.

    I just saw a meme where a doctors telling a guy, “You’ll soon be at peace”. And the guy looks back at the doc and says, you mean I’m going to die? And the doc answers back, no your wife is.
    I feel terrible, but I did laugh.

  3. If you’re blessed with good genes, then there;s no reason why you can’t live to be your parents age or older when they died. My mother was 98, my father was 76 when they passed on. I grateful for living this long, I’ve lived 9 lives, and I’m on No. 10. 3 of my siblings are gone. Lots of varying circumstances along the way. I’m talking adults. As for chi8ldren, I’m fearful of their future – if they even have one. I am honestly grateful that I do not have grandchildren. I’m selfish that way because I do not like to see unasked for suffering.

  4. I always jokingly wanted to live to be 970 years old so I could be one year older than Methuzelah and taunt him with neener, neener, neener. It ain’t gonna happen, so much for a pipe dream. My dad was almost 89, my mom was just short of 93 and my dad’s oldest brother was 99 and a half and I’m 70 so I figure that I should be around for another 20 + years or so, God willing.


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