Leaf Blowing For Fun And Happy, Well-Kept Neighborhoods – IOTW Report

Leaf Blowing For Fun And Happy, Well-Kept Neighborhoods

If you’ve ever wonder who was on the other end of that annoyingly loud and continuous noise outside this fall, here’s your answer. Watch

16 Comments on Leaf Blowing For Fun And Happy, Well-Kept Neighborhoods

  1. If you still use a desktop or tower computer, especially if your tower sits on the floor, I will fill up with dust, lint, pet hair, dead bugs, and even more disgusting stuff. Take the thing outside, pop off the cover, and blow it all out with your leaf blower. This is really easy and works like a champ.

    p.s. It’s also a good time to loosen, wiggle/reseat the boards, and tighten up again. Eliminates a metric shit-ton of potential problems!

    edit: p.s. Important! Before you apply the leaf blower, stick something in the cooling fan blades to keep them from turning in the air blast or the fan may run as a generator and fry random bits.

  2. The theory behind a leaf blower: Those leaves gotta go somewhere, might as well be in the street or my neighbor’s yard, cuz, I sure as hell aint gonna bag them myself.

  3. You know else is annoying, a guy with a bobcat or similar device with a bucket attachment. Two of my neighbors have one and they take turns smoothing out their gravel road and driveway. One guy in particular has spent the better part of an afternoon smoothing out 100’ of driveway. He has a leaf blower too. If it makes noise he has one.

  4. The landscapers always blow the crap into everyone else’s yards, use them on windy days, oh yeah that works, or they stand there and rev it while doing nothing at six in the morning. 🤬

  5. We amd many of the neighbors have an 8 HP pulling/pushing blower made for golf courses. One acre oak tree forest subdivisions, can’t maintain property without it. Noisy as heck, but that and DH gets the job done. Last year the last leaf dump from the trees were too much to burn so we got a leaf service for that. Gonna get one this year for the mid November dump.

    Great invention.

  6. My plan is to wait until all the leaves fall off so I only have to rake once, but my neighbor gets impatient. I did manage to trim my hedges this year before he got to that as well. I do appreciate him tho, and give his family a basket of professional bakery cookies for Thanksgiving every year.

  7. What did man do before leaf blowers, lawn mowers, rakes, and a host of other unnecessarily noisy tools were invented?

    Oh yeah, they left them the fuck alone and let nature take care of it because by next year the wind/weather has taken care of most of the leaves and that feeds the soil… as nature intended.


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