Leaked Bill Clinton Speech: Obama Years Left No Hope For White Working Class – IOTW Report

Leaked Bill Clinton Speech: Obama Years Left No Hope For White Working Class

Here’s Bill Clinton talking out of one of his two faces-

DC: The economic stagnancy of the Obama years is to blame for plummeting life expectancy rates among white, working-class Americans, according to former president Bill Clinton, who privately told Democratic donors that lower-income whites “don’t have anything to look forward to when they get up in the morning.”

Clinton made the remarks while speaking to at a November 2015 closed-door fundraiser for Hillary Clinton in Canton, Ohio.

Echoing a theme of Republican nominee Donald Trump’s campaign, the former president expressed his concern that white, working-class Americans have been left behind over the last eight years.

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4 Comments on Leaked Bill Clinton Speech: Obama Years Left No Hope For White Working Class

  1. Bill says the truth about certain critical issues one time, like a tease, then he reverts back to being a lying Leftist hack. (e.g. His Obamacare remark a couple months ago, or the implications of the CRA as a cause of the financial collapse.)

  2. MJA — Please forgive me for posting a comment that is irrelevant to your thread — just have to remind folks here of something before tomorrow. I’m really sorry, but I don’t think it will be looked at enough in the BP and I’ve been at it all day on Trump Talk (converted a few non-voters today!), I’m tired and I’m going to bed after this.

    IMPORTANT: If you live in a solid red state and think you’re vote isn’t important to your state’s win for Trump, please vote! Someone today reminded me that it’s not enough for Trump to just squeak by. Ronaldo Maximus’ success came from carrying a resounding mandate from the people. It was his hammer with the Congress. He spoke directly to the people and he carried the mandate of the people.

    If you are in a swing state: There are a gazillion excuses that we use for not voting. “What’s one less vote?” we ask ourselves. EVERYTHING. One vote can be EVERYTHING, especially if it’s not just one vote.

    If you are in a so-called blue state: Remember this: This has been a ground-breaking election cycle on so many fronts. There are so many new registrations, I don’t think either party have kept good track of them. Your state may not be as blue as you thought it was. VOTE!

    If you live out west: VOTE! Don’t let the east coast tell you it’s no use. The media will start calling states for Killery even if it’s not true. Remember who they are colluding with. VOTE, and get your family and friends out there, too.

    I love you all! You got me through this last year and a half and I pray for us all tonight. Keep the faith. It was always in God’s hands.

    Your Friend,

  3. i believe that the last week of these two campaigns provided such obvious contrasts between the two candidates that many people changed their minds about Trump. The Revolution of 2016 started to resonate with millions of Americans during the last week of this campaign. Clinton was finally exposed for the criminal failure she has always been, because Trump refused to back down. The American voters who failed to turn Obama out of office after four years of fundamental transformation may have finally awakened to the damage done to this great country, and I don’t think they are going to vote for a third Obama term.

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