Leaked WaPo Memo Underscores Twitter’s Corrosive Impact On Newsrooms – IOTW Report

Leaked WaPo Memo Underscores Twitter’s Corrosive Impact On Newsrooms

Federalist: A leaked memo addressed to higher-ups pulled back the curtain on the Washington Post’s newsroom, revealing how dramatically Twitter scrambles priorities and distorts the paper’s daily coverage.

A leaked memo addressed to higher-ups pulled back the curtain on the Washington Post’s newsroom, revealing how dramatically Twitter scrambles priorities and distorts the paper’s daily coverage. This is not a surprising revelation, but it’s useful to see in print. Twitter is single-handedly exacerbating the media’s already serious flaws.

Drafted at the request of National Editor Steven Ginsberg by a committee of 10 national reporters in late April, Ben Smith of the New York Times published the document on Monday. It’s rich with opportunities to marvel at the staff’s laughable conceptions of “bias” and melodramatic self-importance. But even with that stiff competition, confusion over the Post’s Twitter policy is the memo’s most important passage. read more

5 Comments on Leaked WaPo Memo Underscores Twitter’s Corrosive Impact On Newsrooms

  1. …what’s a “newsroom”? Pretty sure we don’t have anything like THAT any more, but we DO have Propaganda Palaces and Indoctrination Engineers in their place now, ready to download today’s Official Version of current and former events depending on the Newspeak needs of the Party today…

  2. “It drives me crazy that editors say, ‘If you feel maybe you shouldn’t tweet something, then err on the side of not tweeting it’[or] ‘Twitter is a cesspool, an echo chamber,’ and you see them sitting at their desks high-fiving Chris Cuomo’s naked ass.”

    I may have doctored the last part a little bit. But only to put a finer point on what the dude was saying. Because he was kind of mealy-mouthed. As journos tend to be.

  3. this suggests to me that twitter isn’t getting the 4AM mockingbird talking points. Also, that twitterers aren’t soaking up those same propaganda pieces.
    they’ll probably change that


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