Leaving Atlanta: Amid rising urban crime and taxes, a secession movement grows in a moderate suburb – IOTW Report

Leaving Atlanta: Amid rising urban crime and taxes, a secession movement grows in a moderate suburb

Just The News– Bill White and his husband Bryan Eure are leading the charge for the secession of Buckhead, a suburb of Atlanta, Ga., from the capital city — and hoping to pave the way for other suburbs to follow.

“They basically feel that they’ve been exploited for decades,” White told the John Solomon Reports podcast. “I think this movement has popped up once in a while when the crime gets bad or some terrible policy gets instituted, but it’s very hard to think of a piece of the community breaking away from a big city.”

White is the former president of the Intrepid Sea, Air, and Space Museum in Manhattan, and has been a major fundraiser for both Democrats and Republicans, most recently for the latter, following former President Trump’s election victory in 2016, according to the New York Post.

While White has only lived in Buckhead for three years, he and his husband, whose family lives in the suburb, have gone there for the past 20 years. MORE

12 Comments on Leaving Atlanta: Amid rising urban crime and taxes, a secession movement grows in a moderate suburb

  1. the article fails to mention the skin color of 99% of the criminals making them consider these drastic actions……hmmmmm must be some more of them white supremacists that Dementia Joe says are threat to our Country!!!

  2. In the cop to resident ratio for Atlanta the Buckhead area has the highest density of cops. If Buckhead City comes about they will drop the number of cops patrolling in Buckhead if they only hire 250.

  3. Buckhead is not a suburb of Atlanta. It is right smack in the middle of it. The Governor’s mansion and Atlanta History Center sit right on its main drag. Sorry, Bill, but you’re late to the game by about sixty years. Atlanta is the Black Mecca of the south, and they’re never going to let you go. Better you just moved north.


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