Left-Think – IOTW Report


21 Comments on Left-Think

  1. The epitome of stupid for the day.

    There would be no sunburn if there were no Sun.

    There would be no drowning if there were no water.

    There would be no children if there were no actual females.

    Ad infinitum..

  2. If it were not for the progressive movement and their Islamist allies anti Semitism would be practically non existent. Never forget who it was that lionized the National Socialists and Adolph Hitler himself as the Nazis rose in stature and consolidated their power and dis so right up through the kickoff of operation Barbarossa, it was the American and Western European progressive movement. It is right there in their very own periodical literature. For a single one of them to claim they had no idea what it was they were supporting is ludicrous.

    And just go to any of their most popular blogs and websites if you want to see virulent anti Semitism that belies any claim they have of tolerance and respect for others. Pure unvarnished filth is what they not only believe, it is what they are. Absolute filth.

  3. It’s all Marxist stupidity that’s not too much different from the 1920’s and 1930’s. The same words, phrases, cliches rehashed over and over. They have picked up some new oppressed groups over the last 30 years or so, like homosexuals and more recently transsexual loonies. It never gets too trite for the Marxists, never.

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