Left-Wing Morons Might’ve Bullied Porn Actress Into Suicide With Their Asinine Beliefs – IOTW Report

Left-Wing Morons Might’ve Bullied Porn Actress Into Suicide With Their Asinine Beliefs

Yeah, yeah, she’s a porn actress. We don’t approve, we don’t care, etc.

It doesn’t mean we can’t use this incident to show how friggin’ stupid the left is with their idiotic  and dangerous beliefs.

An “actress” named August Ames  refused to do a scene with an “actor” who she discovered was moonlighting doing gay porn. (A practice that is frowned upon, I’m told, in porn.)

She said it raised her risk of contracting HIV and she had no interest in taking part in the shooting, so to speak.

She put out a tweet warning any actress that might’ve been hired to replace her.

This started an avalanche of, I am positive, left-wing morons who claimed her tweet was “homophobic.”

FINALLY, someone used the term HOMOPHOBIA in its proper context!

YES, YES, she was scared to work with a gay guy because gay guys are predominantly the ones who contract HIV most often. Is that offensive? Is reality offensive? Isn’t this her right?

Not according to these bullies. They were unrelenting.

She wrote –

“I don’t have anything to apologize for! Apologizing for taking extra steps to ensue that my body stays safe?”

The bullying continued.

She committed suicide.

Yes, this is a dark business populated by troubled people, probably a little too prone to suicide, but it still illustrates the thinking of the left- you act as if they claim they would act, or else there is something undesirable and wrong with you, and they will destroy you.

Well done, idiots. How dare a woman say she didn’t feel comfortable and then be accommodated, you know, like we have to accommodate a freak that doesn’t feel comfortable in the “wrong” bathroom.


29 Comments on Left-Wing Morons Might’ve Bullied Porn Actress Into Suicide With Their Asinine Beliefs

  1. It is a terrible thing that true evil does to people. She apparently wanted to stay healthy enough to live for a relatively long time (refusing to subject herself to high odds that she would get HIV to prevent herself from dying a premature death), yet she ended up killing herself at 23 years old based on what idiots on the “internets” spouted off about her.

    God’s plan for “sexuality” from the Bible has a valid and positive purpose whether people want to admit it or not. An awful lot of heartache and sorrow could be prevented if people simply made an honest attempt at following God’s laws.

  2. Fag world has come full circle – first they wanted to just be accepted – then they wanted privileges – then they wanted legal and MORAL status – then they wanted reparations and victim status – now if you don’t engage in their medically dangerous lifestyle kill yourself?

    How far will we allow these abnormal, mentally ill, deviants push our society to the point where God has enough? The source of this sin is Satan; next up — are your using your (name the body organ)? Can I eat it? (Of course after I’ve had sex with it)

  3. The left turns all the preferred groups into victims. So any perceived slight to anyone in these groups generates a firestorm. Queers and negro’s are both in the protective species category these days.
    She made a rational decision to protect herself followed by the ultimate stupid decision, all because of anonymous crackpot critics.
    What a waste of poontang.

  4. The left’s allegiance to Satan is in full display every day. The by-any-means-necessary crowd. We have to have our own “long march” and get our establishments back: media, academia, law and politics.

  5. So, despite all the claims for being “for the women” the left still puts the unhealthy behavior of gay men over the women who may be harmed by it.

    Good to know who’s the preferred victim among the perverts.

  6. No matter what, always try to remember:

    Every woman is someone’s daughter.

    Every woman was someone’s baby girl.

    (Yeah, I know that’s hard to visualize in the case of Hillary and Pelosi,
    but just do the best that you can, OK?)


  7. Well, totalitarianism’s about … uhh … totality, isn’t it?

    TOTAL control of your life, from birth to death.
    TOTAL control of your thoughts.
    TOTAL control of your emotions.

    She wanted to maintain some sense of her individuality in a totalitarian morass and found it unendurable. Damned shame.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. @Bubba’s Brother

    You said,”An awful lot of heartache and sorrow could be prevented if people simply made an honest attempt at following God’s laws.”

    I was just talking with DW about this. How much heartache and sorrow would be prevented if we followed God’s law and put down every murderer, rapist (murderer of a woman’s soul) and kidnapper (murderer of a family unit) the first time they offend?

  9. “FINALLY, someone used the term HOMOPHOBIA in its proper context!”

    Uh, no. A phobia is an extreme neurotic and unrealistic fear. It isn’t unrealistic to fear exposure to HIV by having sex with a promiscuous man who’s had sex with who knows how many other men. We need to start calling out progs when they use those -phobe and -phobia suffixes improperly. Let’s not make the mistake of letting the left set the terms for debate.

  10. Tweeting that someone might be a disease riddled, closeted homosexual, gay porn participant, is within Twitter’s Board of GoodThink guidelines. But tweeting “And… it’s Muslims” after another Muslim spree killing gets you banned.

  11. @1harpazo December 7, 2017 at 8:51 am

    > if we followed God’s law and put down every murderer, rapist (murderer of a woman’s soul) and kidnapper (murderer of a family unit) the first time they offend

    If God’s got the angels to point out the offenders, I’ve got the rope to comply.

    Oh? You want me to Trust™ The Party’s Loyal™ investigative and extortion crews. Yeah… I might be a little busy.

  12. I learned from a family member the other day that a family friend had a gay daughter. I never knew that, she was grown and living out of state when this woman became a friend. But this family member kept talking about her not coming home and staying near her daughter-in-law after the death of her daughter. I finally broke in and said I didn’t know her daughter was queer and it’s not her daughter-in-law.
    My family member told me we may not like it but we have to accept it and started naming off all these people we grew up with who have kids and grandkids who are gay and married.
    I kind of blew up and probably won’t be getting a Christmas card because it’s stupid, you can’t force me to “accept” shit. I will never accept or feed into fantasies that they are a husband or wife.

    I’m sick of the bs, accept us as queer, accept us as married, accept us and marry us in your Church, accept that we are not sinning, now accept that we like to screw our own kind and you will screw us as well. I don’t care if she’s a porn star she still should have the right to say she wouldn’t screw a queer. I’m sure she was a screwed up young lady or she wouldn’t have been in the porn world, but the left is even more insane than she was.

  13. Isn’t this just an extension of the cake baker ordeal?

    You can’t deny service or employment on the basis of sexual orientation?

    We’ve reached peak 2017 when a woman is bein coerced into having dangerous sex with a gay/bisexual man to prove how tolerant she is.

    I’m sure Granny Ginsburg, Kagan, and Sotomayor would like front row seats to make sure she follows through.

    As a sidebar, my Spell check kept changing “prove” to “probe”.

    Touche, google.

    Then it changed “touche” to “touched”. Ffs.

  14. The porn star from the get go had a screw loose (pun intended). If she cared about her body that much, she wouldn’t have been a porn star in the first place. Even to do what she was doing in front of a camera tells me that her moral values were nil. She’s better off in the grave than using her body the way that she did. There, I said what most people are thinking.

  15. Don’t care about the Porn star stuff.
    I don’t care. I curse leftist scum turning on someone and berating them for not following the group-think.
    That is the true nature of the Left.

    First they came for the Porn Stars, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not watcher of Porn…

  16. Yes, the young woman had some serious psychological and moral issues she was told is acceptable behavior by the left. She believed the left’s perverted definition of womanhood she viewed through the distorted lens of feminism. Little did she know, if she didn’t have lock step devotion to every aspect of progressive deviancy, she would be ostracized from the only belief system she trusted. Obviously, she became disillusioned and lost hope. It’s sad she never knew the True and Living God whose Love would have given her every reason to live.

  17. I’m confused.
    She refused to do a sex scene with a homosexual for her medical safety and then when bullied, kills herself.
    Kind of self-defeating there. The perverts won.

    The homosexuals need to know that they will be damned for their depravity. God is willing to forgive, but they must repent and ask for His forgiveness. Otherwise, they will be denied entrance to Heaven.

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