Left-Wingers in NYC Successfully Keep Their Kids Away From Minorities – IOTW Report

Left-Wingers in NYC Successfully Keep Their Kids Away From Minorities

Last year a public school, which houses mostly rich white liberal’s kids, was getting a little tight for the amount of privileged students enrolled.

The board suggested the school be moved 16 blocks south to a giant school, which happens to be right across the street from…. BLACK KIDS LIVING IN LOW INCOME HOUSING! (Of course the low income housing is not anywhere near the well off progressives. They push to have those sorts of projects built away from them.)

Parents are in an uproar, citing the distance as being “inconvenient.”

But, but, but think of the greater good your personal sacrifice would make for the sake of DIVERSITY!!!

Who is one of the leading $hitbag elitists who are protesting the move?

None other than Samantha Bee’s husband Jason Jones- a “comedian” that worked for the Daily Show.

Samantha Bee is the queen of Trump resistance, famous for having to apologize for calling a kid with a weird haircut a NAZI. (He had brain cancer and his head was shaved from an operation.) She also recently said that smug liberalism is a myth, and she said it smugly.

These two are reprehensible and they are the perfect poster idiots for liberal hypocrisy.

New York state has the most segregated schools in the nation.

Hippie Critic lived in a progressive hamlet in New York. When he was outed as a conservative some smug crunt asked him why he would live in such a place given his views. Without missing a beat he said, “because I am assured that my investment would never, ever be threatened by low income housing if I own here.”

The woman walked away like Margaret Dumont… “why, I never!”

He was, of course, right. When there was a proposal for low income housing brought up in his town, the local paper reported quotes by progressives who said some of the most racist things imaginable, all couched and veiled in progressive classroom language.

He’d send me the articles. They were hilarious… and infuriating… and sad.


John Nolte reports HERE


10 Comments on Left-Wingers in NYC Successfully Keep Their Kids Away From Minorities

  1. My favorite letter in the local liberal paper was from a local champion for diversity. She suggested the housing be moved to another neighborhood because “they​ would be a lot happier with their own kind.” Exact quote.

  2. Seattle was highly praised for its voluntary bussing scheme. That scheme, of course, did not include the neighborhoods of the people who were praised for implementing the scheme.

    When there was a ballot initiative to get rid of that scheme, it was called the “apartheid initiative” because such a measure could only be supported by racist believers of apartheid. It certainly could not be because parents really believed that it would be better for their children to not spend 45 minutes each way going to and from school, and that it would be better for neighborhoods if children went to the local schools.

    Several years after that, black leaders wanted to schools in black neighbourhoods to be allowed to have high percentages of black students and not be held to desegregation goals because it would be better for children to not spend 45 minutes each way going to and from school, and that it would be better for neighborhoods if children went to the local schools. This was praised as enlightened thinking.

  3. i got bussed to a brand spankie new high school, built in a black city, so as they could have some white kids……we had all the most newest and wonderful things, because “black”….

    kids from a few blocks away – the sorta blackish part of town…got bussed to my husband’s high school, so as they could have some “color”….an old falling down dump of a place, because nobody was spending money on white kids’ schools in them days….

    funny how life works out, sometimes…….us white bussees definitely got the best end of THAT stick…… 🙂

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