Leftist Group For “Peace And Justice” Harassing Radical Feminist – IOTW Report

Leftist Group For “Peace And Justice” Harassing Radical Feminist

We first met Thistle Pettersen five years ago when the left lost its effort to recall Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. Now Thistle is fighting for her livelihood since her radical feminism beliefs have put her at odds with the transgender community in Madison.

The Wisconsin Network for Peace and Justice (WNPJ) has accused Thistle of being insensitive to the transgender community and the head of group, Wendi Kent,  is encouraging people to contact Ms. Pettersen’s employer and have her fired. She also accuses members of the group of stalking her and posting pictures to social media without her consent.

Thistle was unable to secure a restraining order against WNPJ and now is trying to raise $5,000 through go fund me to pursue a defamation lawsuit.


Her statements on transgenderism couldn’t be more pro women or more common sense. While Thistle puts the loon into loon bat, it does appear that she is being harassed for exercising her free speech..

20 Comments on Leftist Group For “Peace And Justice” Harassing Radical Feminist

  1. Wow, an angry anarchist, disoriented feminist weirdo with pig tails harassed by angry, vindictive weirdos who are perverts.
    Must be Madison Wisconsin.
    Can’t we just get along (coexist) to destroy America?

  2. I hope she raises the 5Gs and gets the support of NOW or some other left feminista group then sit back and watch them tear each other apart very publically with the MSM reporting the struggle in detail.

  3. I have a mean and crazy idea. As we can see, the left eventually eats itself. I think we should encourage this by “planting” misinformation that turns up the heat. It’s basically a mean-girls tactic from high school: “OMG do you know what (so-and-so) said about you???” And then watch the sh*t hit the fan.

    Gosh, we could have so much fun…if we didn’t have jobs and kids and homes to look after.

  4. The left is in such disarray, that they are turning on themselves. I freaking love it. Whenever a libtard idiot strays off the reservation, the other libtards go apeshit and pile on like a wolf pack attacking an injured pack member.

  5. “Bigger bugs have smaller bugs
    upon their backs to bite ’em,
    And smaller bugs have litteler
    bugs, and so ad infiditum.”
    And thank you Robert A. Heinlein
    for the ditty from “The Puppet

  6. i’m with scr_north

    these two leftist groups fighting each other reminds me of a disemboweled hyenea, snapping at its own entrails. num…num….num….

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