Leftist Hypocrisy is a Bottomless Pit – IOTW Report

Leftist Hypocrisy is a Bottomless Pit

The love of money will always out a filthy “principled” leftist.

The latest example is from the daughter of another money grubbing dirtbucket, Gloria Allred.

Lisa Bloom could be the a$$hole of the year, if it wasn’t for Nancy Lugosi, Queef Olbermann, Rachel Madcow, Rosie O’Douhnuts, Michael MuchMoore, Anthony Weiner, UpChuck Schumer, Michelle Obiceps, John McTumor, Barack Fag…etc. etc.

Bloom, like her mother, is a “champion of downtrodden and oppressed women, abused by men,”… unless she’s got a development deal with one of the abusers.

Read this hilarious bit of hypocrisy-


More importantly, here is the announcement that the serial woman-abuser is paying Lisa, so Weinstein is suddenly not so much a monster as he is a big lovable lout who’s trying to adapt to this foreign 2017 land.

Lisa Bloom is a whore.

22 Comments on Leftist Hypocrisy is a Bottomless Pit

  1. It isn’t just Harvey’s dirty behavior that is getting exposed.

    It’s like when a high-end madam’s book is released. All these Hollywood people who polished Weinstein’s apples to get ahead are going to be exposed too.

    Lisa Bloom included.

  2. “He’s one of us!” said the devil and his demons. “Circle the wagons like we did for Bill and Hillary!” Hypocritical Evil. Just the tip of the iceberg in Hollywood / New York.

    The left could justify the Vegas shooter if they had too. They are already blaming guns and the bump stock.

  3. Funny how when the accused isn’t a Republican the seriousness of the crime demands action doesn’t apply. Not to mention of course no one said ‘Oh Trump’s just and old dinosaur, he just says things (in private) to other guys like men used to do before they were pussified by us feminazis.’ All democrats are whores to their ideology that they apply to everyone but themselves.

  4. Democrats- one and all. Don’t expect to so the MSM to be making connections of these people and how much money they give to the Dems and concerts they perform for the Dems.

    Dems covering for Dems nothing new and it won’t stop until the MSM decides to be nonpartisan.

  5. I’m not surprised to hear that Harvey is a sexual perv. He just looks like a creep. The “casting couch” is a real thing in Hollywood. I had creeps like him pull that shit on me when I worked out there. Does anyone remember the story about the pedophile ring in Hollywood? That stuff is real, but if anyone says anything, they are promptly destroyed by these rich men in power.

  6. Hollyweird’s a cesspit of depravity, perversion, and … well … depravity.
    Why should anyone be surprised? Except we never hear of the homosexual child-molesters being “outed,” do we? Only the heterosexuals.
    Why is that?

    We KNOW it happens. Every day. Thousands of lives have been ruined.
    Thousands of boys turned into suicidal drug addicts.

    Yet everyone turns his head, averts his eyes? I guess the money’s too big – keeps the prosecutors and “child services” out of it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Here’s a tell-all book from 20 years ago. I interviewed these authors on a radio show in 2000. The pervs in Hollywood aren’t just Democrats. Read the book and you’ll be shocked and grossed out by the stories.

  8. I want to know how long, how many people complained about this Weinstein a-hole but were ignored because “that’s crazy talk – no liberal CEO is that crazy dishonest.”

  9. @Tim: “Hollyweird’s a cesspit of depravity, perversion, and … well … depravity.”

    To borrow from an awesome movie: “you said ‘depravity’ twice.”

    “I like depravity”.

  10. “Nancy Lugosi, Queef Olbermann, Rachel Madcow, Rosie O’Douhnuts, Michael MuchMoore, Anthony Weiner, UpChuck Schumer, Michelle Obiceps, John McTumor, Barack Fag”

    I see what you did there 🙂

  11. Makes me wonder just how many little boys David Geffin has molested. Worse yet, they were probably brought to him by their mothers just like Michael Jackson’s victims.

  12. OK Sylvia,
    What’s wrong with “Fat Slobs?”
    I represent that!

    I mean, just cuz a guy’s a tad overweight and not a snappy dresser … doesn’t mean that he isn’t a nice person … and … well … not that I have any resemblance …

    izlamo delenda est …

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