This is sad, funny and aggravating at the same time.
Sad in that the mentally ill left aren’t in institutions where they belong. It’s funny because this is what was supposed to win on election day. It’s aggravating in that no one is speaking up, and just standing there like morons.
Oh, and the ending is hilarious, and makes me suspect the entire thing is made up.
ht/ c. steven tucker
I could handle about 6 seconds of this crap, this lady (term used liberally) at the least needs to be told to shut up and needs a dose of reality. Under Trump she should receive it.
How did amerika ever create people like this? They didn’t exist while I was growing up. Maybe they are aliens from another planet?
fake video
She can talk, that’s for sure, and without taking a breath. She’d be perfect for “Fox Five,” or “Outnumbered.” Even “The View.”
The puzzle palace is missing its valedictorian.
If I had to listen to that much longer I would have to find my safe space.
Please don’t let her get anywhere near Michigan, We have enough Coo-Coo birds.
annie Go Trump
O’keefe needs to hire that one. She’s effing brilliant.
Who let the dog out? [Who, who, who, who?!]
“I voted for Hillary, and I know she would have eventually cared…” lololol
What gets me is why did the sheep stand there in line waiting for her to get done with her rant. I would have walked up to the counter, turned my back on the lunatic and placed my order with that poor black guy who looked like he was hoping to see the cavalry coming to rescue him.
She would be wise to switch to decaf.
I would have set her hair on fire.
@BPatMann: Or lithium.
Turned up to 11.
@eternal cracker – LOL!!
What did the barista ask her at the end? I could hardly hear her.
“Can I ask you a question? Was it a vanilla or caramel?”
LMBO. Trolling the left has never been better.
Notice how she just assumes that she speaks for that black person, and yet doesn’t even really talk to her or listen to her. She just keeps screaming at her “I know how you feel , I want this for you”. How would she know?
For all she knows that person may have voted for Trump (a lot did. More than people realize in fact) – and may be feeling both insulted and threatened. She’s a racist and an elitist and doesn’t even realize it.
I would’ve had to slap her out of her hysteria.
Tricky Dick: “Yeah they needed to reenact that scene from “Airplane!” with the line of people waiting to slap the hysterical woman.
On the farm we used to put down an animal that went berserk.
Make her’s with a side of cattle prod …. on me
would you like that coffee to go…..please?
SineWaveII beat me to it.
Throw a scalding latte in her face.
Excellent Mobying. Her accomplice was great with the camera, too. By the second pan of the waiting customers, the black lady has a noticeable “This bitch is tripping” head tilt.
I’d say is fake, because of the end, but after watching that crazed Liberal berating a Trump supporter in the the plane, I want to believe anything they say Libs do.
I’d say is fake, because of the ending, but after watching that crazed Liberal berating a Trump supporter in the the plane, I want to believe anything they say Libs do.
What about the poor schlubs in line behind this self-important virtue-signaling mess? I bet most of them have a dream about getting their damn coffee and getting on with their day.
OH my.
The last two sentences are pure gold.
The Barista’s question and suddenly-not-screaming crazy person’s answer. Like British comedy taking an obtuse angled turn in the middle of a skit.
Even the target of her gushing guilt wanted her to shut up.
Reminds me of how to handle a loudmouth drunk. Get in close and whisper to him. He has to be quiet to hear and is 99% likely to start whispering back any answers.
DISCLAIMER: I do not even begin to pretend to understand the left. I am 73, female, and I just don’t get it! Wouldn’t you think I’d have gained some wisdom in all of those years, especially considering a lifetime moving all over the world as a 4 generation military dependent!!!
To me, that woman is a racist. If she was non racist, she would treat everyone the same! Why don’t these loonies see that?
Speaking of loonies; was anyone able to decipher Ashley Judd’s ranting speech. I have never heard such a wandering, with unconnected words, rant in my life. I thought my internet was skipping words. To me the following is an example: ‘I am hog be my horse bloody bed space sled and started woman hill tree.’ I seriously think she was taken hostage, filled with drugs or liquor and given a speech written by a non-English speaking kindergarten student.
What is wrong with those people; so willing to display their ignorance? Is this the future women aspire to having? Crass, loud, overbearing, incoherent freaks.
The only way they got that many people to join in their pink protest, is money and transportation and accommodations provided. Like those shared resort condo communities that sucker you to purchase with short, all expenses paid trips, in which you MUST attend their sales pitch.
Let’s see, you pink hat marchers: If you were paid for your ‘service’ to the group, does that make you whores? Just asking.
She’s been eating the coffee right out of the can.
Liberal bigotry on display. She openly treats that black woman like a lesser.
I think it’s a perfect example of how liberals are incapable of divesting themselves of politics long enough to order a damn cup of coffee.
Granny thinks that gal was in labor at the coffee stop.
Definitely made up.
we can rest assured that no guy will EVER try to slip a Roofie in this broad’s drink or coffee.
She cares oh so much for the children of America, while fully supporting abortion. Typical insane thinking from the left.
Val, yes the entire thing was scripted (with the exception of maybe the people standing in line) and the anti-climatic ending was funny. Maybe the video will make “Hannity”.
That woman makes me want to retroactively side with certain liberal positions; namely I would have supported her mother’s right to an abortion.
Was there a drink order in there somewhere? or just the speech?
@Might Mojo: Someone said the other day that the Pink event was actually set up after Trump won because all these women had already booked flights and hotels to be in D.C. for Clintion’s inauguration. They did not want to lose their deposits and flight money so they came to protest as an after thought. Now that makes perfect sense to me as to how they got all those women to come to D.C.
Dear oh dear, Good grief. Good awful grief.
Nothing a good ash riot baton
couldn’t take care of. What college
campus was this?
“we can rest assured that no guy will EVER try to slip a Roofie in this broad’s drink or coffee.” – Mansfield
I don’t know. It may be the best way to shut her up and shut her down. I wouldn’t rule out anything that could do that with her.