Leftist Twitterverse Has Trump in Jail — It’s as Comical as it is Tragic – IOTW Report

Leftist Twitterverse Has Trump in Jail — It’s as Comical as it is Tragic

Here’s a little something for them to chew on.

Gregg Jarrett-

Robert Khuzami, the “Acting” US Attorney, filed a sentencing memo claiming President Trump organized illegal payments. Khuzami doesn’t know the law. Non-disclosure contracts are legal in every state. It’s not an illegal campaign contribution. Not a crime. Khuzami is wrong.

I’m hoping William Barr, an outstanding lawyer, will clean up the corruption at the Department of Injustice and FBI. Prosecute Comey, McCabe Strzok, Steele, Ohr, Simpson, and others. And fire Robert Khuzam, who is “acting” as a US Attorney.

Frankly, it should be against the law to allow a bunch of snot-nosed kids, fresh out of law school, to file a federal court document that contorts the law in a deliberate effort to implicate the President in wrongdoing. Did they even read the law? Comprehend it? Morons.

ht/ gateway pundit

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