Lefty journalist – “Trump supporters would be thrilled to see me sexually assaulted” – IOTW Report

Lefty journalist – “Trump supporters would be thrilled to see me sexually assaulted”

I wouldn’t want to see this dumb bint sexually assaulted, but I would want to see her gently slapped about the head and neck with a Glad bag filled with marshmallow peeps, just for being so stupid.

In her rant she says the FBI data indicates that “ALL of the domestic terror attacks committed in the last couple of years were committed by rightwing extremists.”


The rise in domestic terrorism — as profiled in a captivating New York Times Magazine report from 2018 — is largely driven by an uptick in far-right extremism. Of the 263 acts of domestic terrorism that occurred between 2010 and the end of 2017, 92, around a third, were committed by Americans on the far right.

Also, she says her politics do not align with Antfia. Well, la-di-da, the implication being that rightwingers identify with white supremacists… or people who would like to see her sexually assaulted.

What a dopey broad—>

video HERE

46 Comments on Lefty journalist – “Trump supporters would be thrilled to see me sexually assaulted”

  1. “I can’t think of any self respecting conservative that would …” -Justin Case

    But some Progressive, Democrat-voting, illegal alien jerk with a free driver’s license and EBT card would.

  2. There’s their side and there’s our side.

    You know which one you are on, don’t equivocate about it.

    Get active in recruiting those who don’t know yet which side they are on to commit themselves to our side.

    The sides are so irreconcilable that there is going to be no reuniting them into any kind of peaceful coexistence.

    In the end, there can be only one.

  3. Conservatives do not condone ANY criminal behavior. That is the difference.

    We are the ones that want rapists, habitual drunk drivers, murderers, terrorist, thieves, drug dealers, illegals, fraudsters & foreign spies caught, punished & removed from society so they cannot create further victims.

    Her side only wishes to punish people that disagree with their politics.

  4. She couldn’t give 2 zhits about Andy Ngo, he has been in the news all week and she mispronounced his name all three times.

    Oh, and why does everyone keep referring to him as a “conservative” reporter? He self-admitted he is center-liberal.

  5. It seems they ‘LOVE’ to put words in our mouths.
    They go above and beyond to tell the world how we think and/or feel
    It comes with the territory of dictating and controlling.

  6. They say around a third of all acts of domestic terrorism were committed by people on the far right.

    They seem not the least bit curious who constitutes the other two thirds.

  7. “Most violent attacks are actually done by the extreme right, they’re just not documented”.

    In other words she knows she full of shit, but she’s going to though that crap out there anyway. Ya just gotta love Libtards.

  8. That ‘dopey broad’ is Jessica Tarlov (a Russian jewess) who is always on Faux Jews, er, Fox News as part of the ‘Balanced’ in the jew, Murdoch’s, silly disingenous motto of ‘Fair and Balanced’. If you ever watch FN, you will notice that every panel has a Marxist/lefty jew/jewess to provide the ‘balance’. I stopped watching Faux Jews six months ago right after my Dad died (I would watch with him.) He liked to watch Trump on FN. I educated him regards the Marxist/treacherous jews who own/control FN so that he would not die as a Blue-Pilled man in The Jew Matrix.

  9. These mentally sick creatures always project the violent actions they desire to take against their conservative opposition on said opposition. It is how they convince
    themselves they are some sort of victim and allows them
    to indulge themselves in their hatred with a “clear”


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