Disgusting – Neither Andrew Cuomhole nor Bill de Blasio Attended Luis Alvarez’s Funeral – IOTW Report

Disgusting – Neither Andrew Cuomhole nor Bill de Blasio Attended Luis Alvarez’s Funeral


Funeral Held For Retired NYPD Det. Luis Alvarez, Who Fought In Washington For Others Sickened On 9/11

Det. Luis Alvarez, who became the face of the 9/11 health crisis, was laid to rest Wednesday.

Alvarez passed away Saturday at the age of 53, following a three-year battle with colorectal cancer.

The retired NYPD detective and former U.S. Marine touched so many lives, which was evident in the long line of mourners who gathered for his wake Tuesday in Oceanside.


de Blasio was busy in Iowa on his failed presidential run.

Cuomhole’s celebrity chef girlfriend (Sandra Lee) was celebrating a birthday. He didn’t attend the wake, either, choosing to be the first to go down a new zip line attraction in Long Island. (I am not kidding.)

Somewhere an organ grinder is missing his monkey.

11 Comments on Disgusting – Neither Andrew Cuomhole nor Bill de Blasio Attended Luis Alvarez’s Funeral

  1. I doubt if they were missed. They would most likely have been booed and that is why they stayed away. They are both caitiffs.
    (I love that word when describing politicians. I stole it from Billy Shakespeare himself: “Oh thou caitiff.”)

  2. Rest in Peace Lou, You did your duty well. I hope the Police organizations in New York, PBA,SBA,LBA, DEA, etc. petition for a street to be named after you in lower Manhattan. So you will be remembered long after these two scumbags are long gone and forgotten.
    Change Broadway to Lou Alvarez Way.

  3. They used him to the nth degree to propose
    their predecessors ( supposed )
    incompetence and prejudice.

    But in its finality
    they never gave a shit about him.
    He was only momentarily useful to their cause.

    This is the essence of the smellocrats
    caring and compassion.

  4. JayPee. I agree with you 100 percent. But by all accounts he was a good man, and good police. I still say a street or Plaza should be named after him. And fuckem all who used him as a prop. It’s the war cry of the liberal progressives: “Never let a crisis go to waste.” Remember that?
    I hate certain people with a passion, can’t help it.


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