Lefty Matt Taibbi- Believing the Russian Hacking Story is a Leap of Faith – IOTW Report

Lefty Matt Taibbi- Believing the Russian Hacking Story is a Leap of Faith


If Taibbi can see through this administration, it doesn’t speak well of anyone that cannot.

Before Obama creates the new cold war we’d like to see the evidence of Russian hacking, and then prove to us it

A: changed the outcome of the election

B: was specifically perpetrated to get Donald Trump elected

Rolling Stone –

Absent independent verification, reporters will have to rely upon the secret assessments of intelligence agencies to cover the story at all.

If the American security agencies had smoking-gun evidence that the Russians had an organized campaign to derail the U.S. presidential election and deliver the White House to Trump, then expelling a few dozen diplomats after the election seems like an oddly weak and ill-timed response. Voices in both parties are saying this now.

Republican Sens. John McCain and Lindsey Graham noted the “small price” Russia paid for its “brazen attack.” The Democratic National Committee, meanwhile, said Thursday that taken alone, the Obama response is “insufficient” as a response to “attacks on the United States by a foreign power.”

Democrat-leaning pundits have been unnervingly quick to use phrases like “Russia hacked the election.”

This has led to widespread confusion among news audiences over whether the Russians hacked the DNC emails (a story that has at least been backed by some evidence, even if it hasn’t always been great evidence), or whether Russians hacked vote tallies in critical states (a far more outlandish tale backed by no credible evidence).

As noted in The Intercept and other outlets, an Economist/YouGov poll conducted this month shows that 50 percent of all Clinton voters believe the Russians hacked vote tallies.

…this could also just be a cynical ass-covering campaign, by a Democratic Party that has seemed keen to deflect attention from its own electoral failures.

Taibbi ends with this (is it a swipe at his own employer, Rolling Stone, who was caught publishing fake news.?)

we’ve been burned before in stories like this, to disastrous effect. Which makes it surprising we’re not trying harder to avoid getting fooled again.

10 Comments on Lefty Matt Taibbi- Believing the Russian Hacking Story is a Leap of Faith

  1. The DNC found the leak and plugged it. Seth Rich was murdered in the street and not robbed. Captain Obvious could figure this one out.
    The Russians are blamed for the hacking with no evidence, why not blame the death of Seth on them, no evidence of that either. Adds more continuity to fabrication.

  2. What is most interesting to me, is that none of the Democrat hacks are claiming that their mendacious emails were altered in any way by those pesky Rooshins. Isn’t it also odd that the Democrats can’t seem to admit that having a private, unsecured server in a bathroom could be a security problem? Stay tuned for more revelations that will be even more embarrassing for the Clinton Global Enrichment Foundation.

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