Legacy Newspaper Publishers Confronted By Lyndon LaRouche Society Supporters – IOTW Report

Legacy Newspaper Publishers Confronted By Lyndon LaRouche Society Supporters

I like that these elite shitstains sat there and took it as they were about to launch into an hours-long dutch-ruddering hagiography about how great they all are.

In the following clip there is a douche that chortles, and it pretty much sums up why the legacy media is untrusted and out of touch.

It’s obvious that the dangling-jowled jerk-offs realize that they cannot control the horizontal and the vertical any longer.

8 Comments on Legacy Newspaper Publishers Confronted By Lyndon LaRouche Society Supporters

  1. These vaunted Elites are playthings to some very dangerous people who will destroy you if you get in their way. Just ask Jeffery Epstein.

    Oh wait… he’s dead!
    Yeah, go ahead and publish that list…

  2. Notice that the crypto-grift-turds are also working overtime laying bait to snag new customer accounts.

    There is a Spexial Place waiting for these money grubbing lucre licking turds. The best Kashoggi suites.

    Banksturds of Americans and visas.
    Never Forget,
    Tomorrow. Next Week. Next Month. Next Year.
    Never Ever Forget the Banksturds of Amerikans.
    New York Money Grubbing Scum.
    Never Forget.
    To the F’King Bedrock.
    SALT behind.

    Good Times, Good Times.

  3. Print and Major networks are the 4th arm of the socialist coup.

    Well, so much for free speech and getting a credible response to important issues from major media providers.

    If his questions were to Political Office holders, he could very well be housed with J6 Defendants for months on end with further suspension of his rights.

    Verbal Dissent requires punishment, unless, like Antifa and BLM, you encouraged to riot, burn buildings, destroy businesses, block Interstates, attack police/government employees and loot, know there are funds to bail you out and states Attorneys/judges who choose not to prosecute.

    Blind Justice, Equal Justice?
    Justice isn’t blind, she just looks the other way.


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