Legal Hack Pamela Karlan Making A Name For Herself In The DoJ Opposing The Maricopa Count Audit – IOTW Report

Legal Hack Pamela Karlan Making A Name For Herself In The DoJ Opposing The Maricopa Count Audit

Remember the snarky comment by one of the expert witnesses during the first impeachment hearing about the president’s son, Baron? That was former Stanford Law Professor Pamela Karlan, who later apologized for her lame joke, “The President can name his son “Baron,” but that doesn’t make him a baron.” More

It seems that embarrassing moment had if anything improved her prospects. In February, Karlan was appointed to the Justice Department. Here

Karlan is now reportedly spearheading the administration’s efforts to derail or discredit the Maricopa County audit as deputy assistant attorney general. Her position on the validity of the 2020 election is a laugher given her previous assertions as to how the 2016 election could have been stolen. Here

12 Comments on Legal Hack Pamela Karlan Making A Name For Herself In The DoJ Opposing The Maricopa Count Audit

  1. Weโ€™ll need a volunteer. She is in obvious need of a good old fashioned horse fucking.

    Thatโ€™s a bridge too far for any man, but she seriously needs it. That kind of pent up anger tells me that the carpet munching isnโ€™t getting her there.

    /that was an unnecessary drive by comment that should have be left unsaid. But I am stupid.

  2. Why’s she dye her hair?
    She foolin anybody but herself?
    Do her sycophants and fembots think she’s 20?

    I don’t get it – a feminazi who eschews trying to look good – but dyes her hair?
    She’s got some kind of disconnect in her brain.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. @jelly

    “The libs and Chinese are so ecstatic they are openly fondling themselves.”

    Really depraved people would do that. Yep, liberals and Chinese communist leaders would do that. Look at a picture of her and fondle something.


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