Legalized Pot Campaign Must Have Been High When They Choose Their Spokesman – IOTW Report

Legalized Pot Campaign Must Have Been High When They Choose Their Spokesman

Fox News

Sen. John Fetterman, D-Penn., on Thursday tweeted out a photo acknowledging 4/20, an unofficial holiday dedicated to smoking and celebrating marijuana. 

In the photo, the hoody-wearing senator is holding up a flag bearing the phrase, “It’s 420 somewhere.” 

The “420” appears to resemble a marijuana joint. Marijuana leaves are scattered throughout the flag. More

7 Comments on Legalized Pot Campaign Must Have Been High When They Choose Their Spokesman

  1. I suspect the largest voting block was not potheads (although significant.
    The largest voting blocks were dementia patients from nursing homes, homeless crackheads and dead heroin/fentanyl users largely from major Pennsylvania cities.

  2. WHAT A DOPE! And all the people in Pennsylvania who voted for this DOPE are even bigger DOPES. Can we now call this brain-dead stoner, Senator Potterman. Uncle Fester, the newer and dumber US Senator marijuana tester. WE THE PEOPLE of Pennsylvania, have lost their friggin minds electing a big DOPE like this to be a US Senator. Will he use medical marijuana to keep himself from stroking out while on the job? Will he order all of his meals from Jack In The Box and Taco Hell and get the stoner specials. Munchies, man, munchies!


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