The sickening moment New York postal worker is ‘caught on camera spitting on two Muslim mothers in hijabs, calling them terrorists before threatening to burn down their temple’
Click read more and see why this isn’t racism.

If the left has taught us anything, it’s that, blacks cannot be racist!
“im not crazy, i work in the post office”
the day has just begun and i believe we have the line of the day
i’m nursing a broken nose, and that one hurt
How can it be racists? Maybe speciesist but not racist.
Moslems aren’t a race; they belong to an ideology.
I have a feeling that when the s__t hits the fan here in the USA and wherever the muslims are invading we will see that all men have a darker side. and no government or national alliance will be able to stop it. you think jihadist are bad? wait till you see men who feel they are defending a world they fear losing. men who have much more to fight for. savagery will come from the least expected most civilized and well educated.
Will it be a “darker side” or a response of the long suffering to accusations, brutality and blame by the people they have been forced to support cradle to grave and watch get preferential treatment?
The crusades, it can be argued, were brutal. But they came after 400 years of turning the other cheek to kidnapping, murder, rape, enslavement and plunder.
“War,” a wise general once said “is hell.”
Right! The feminists will also learn a sad lesson that when civility breaks down females are the first to be chewed up!
Yawn…. Report when the postal worker chops their heads off. Then we will know we are getting somewhere.
I’ve never been in war I’ve never killed anyone nor have I had my life threatened.
But I seriously hope I would be able carry out what I would need to do to protect my home and family.
I believe that mild mannered middle class middle aged family men would be able to very creatively and ruthlessly exterminate invaders, be they gangsters from the inner cities or musloid jihadists.
We would repel the invaders and then take the battle to them, burning the mosques to the ground and killing the musloid women and children. It will be a slaughter of biblical proportions.
When they flip the switch there will be no ‘peaceful muslims’ they will all be jihadists.
If they believe in mohammed and the koran they believe in jihad and will participate. They must all be exterminated.
Bob ,
I read often and comment little on this site, and have noticed how we seem to be like minded. This sentiment you express is no exception. I think the backlash will, and should , be as successful as it will be brutal, but it does depend on one thing, I think…physical stamina.
We are a soft civilization these days and turning that around will be a challenge, I think.
I dunno about that, I’ve seen some pics of some very liberal women and some of them have hair on their chest – like Rosie O’Donnell, Janet Reno, Big Sis. I wouldn’t mess with any of those women. There’s female boxers who could do a good job of dropping a few muzzies.
Nope, not racism, bigotry yes, not racism.
You say that like it’s a *bad* thing…
this is true.
Sort of Pot and Kettle situation,
I have mixed feelings about this incident.
You mean Pamela Geller isn’t a “racist”?
Stop the presses.