Let’s get ready to rumbllllle! Carlson Tucker, Rep. Jim Himes Spar Over Alleged NSA Surveillance – IOTW Report

Let’s get ready to rumbllllle! Carlson Tucker, Rep. Jim Himes Spar Over Alleged NSA Surveillance

DC: Rep. Jim Himes stopped by Fox News’ Monday broadcast of “Tucker Carlson Tonight” to discuss surveillance of Trump Tower, which President Trump claimed was carried out by the Obama administration during the 2016 election.

Only minutes into the interview, the Connecticut Democrat accused Carlson of mis-categorizing any surveillance performed on private citizens as “spying,” when it’s really “law enforcement.”


13 Comments on Let’s get ready to rumbllllle! Carlson Tucker, Rep. Jim Himes Spar Over Alleged NSA Surveillance

  1. Again, when they go to legalism and semantics, you can be assured they are unethical and just plain wrong.

    Right now, there is a dem shill out there diagramming sentences to explain why Obama’s “slave immigrants” quote is good and Carson’s “slave immigrants” quote is Uncle Tom.

  2. Spying on the citizenry IS, most certainly, law enforcement – in the totalitarian state. The unending search for “enemies,” “fifth columnists,” “hetero-normative cis-gendered religious fanatics,” and the rightly-feared “Constitutionalists” who lurk amongst us must be uncovered and concentrated.
    It is the only way to guarantee the glorious future of socialism! Of the State! Of the “Dictatorship of the Proletariat!”

    izlamo delenda est …

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