Let’s Get That iOTW Power Into The Ether For a Beloved Reader – IOTW Report

Let’s Get That iOTW Power Into The Ether For a Beloved Reader

This is a different kind of prayer request, it’s not directly for a health issue, but it’s very definitely indirectly for a health issue.

Our beloved Eugenia has been without heat since 4 AM, and this is during the Arctic Blowhole, or whatever they are dubbing it.

This is dangerous stuff.

No gas and no heat since 4:00AM.  We run off a well since no gas utility serves this area.  Down at the distribution point a ‘pieces part’ has corroded and split.  Don’t laugh too hard but it’s called a nipple.  Can’t get any plumber with a gas license to call us back.

The hubs has to fix it and he’s not exactly a spring chicken or totally healthy.

Prayers for a quick and successful fix plus heat would be appreciated.  My butt is frozen to the floor inside the house! Lots of prayers.  -Eugenia

I have a bit of PTSD (I’m not fooling) because the last winter I spent in NY was in the single digits and my furnace kept cutting out.

I had to run water for the pipes not to freeze, and my house was 50* inside, and I couldn’t get anyone to come up to the house because there was 4 feet of snow and it was snowing.

The oil tank was filled with sludge and I had to clean the filter in the utility room every half hour just to have the heat run until it clogged.

The sound of the furnace choking and sputtering still haunts my dreams.

I’m shaking writing this post.

Prayers for Eugenia!



45 Comments on Let’s Get That iOTW Power Into The Ether For a Beloved Reader

  1. Ugh! I’m so sorry to read this. I know that feeling, Eugenia, and I understand too well. I’ve been in both freezing temps without heat and 118 degrees without A/C. I pray you get something going very soon!

  2. Have some hot beverage ready when hubby comes in if possible, he will probably need it. I’ve spent the last two days thawing and replacing water pipes on my Aunts trailer but at least she still had heat. I’ll think the best for you and Mr. Fix-it.

  3. Sorry about your situation. Hopefully we’ll get a break in this nasty weather soon. Minus 5 in central Virginia last night. Pipes frozen in the bathroom.

    Hopefully you have a wood burning fireplace.

  4. 10 or so years ago my wife and I experienced a huge ice storm, all electricity was out for 11 days, two good size trees were laying on the house, limbs down everywhere. Roads were impassable. We lived 17 miles from town. Electrical crews came from bordering states came to help.
    We were lucky, we put all our frozen food outside, built a camp fire to cook. With layers of clothes, we fired up our old kerosene heater we hadn’t used in 3 years. The only reasonably comfortable place in the house was the loft.

    It was so peaceful and quiet, not withstanding the trees cracking and popping.

    Prayers for Eugenia and husband for a quick repair and warmth.

  5. I recently moved from the suburbs to enjoy some authentic rural country living just over the blue ridge mountains. Into my forth cord of wood this year, and constantly feeding the stove and fireplace. Insulated coveralls are my loungewear choice for today. Bundle up, Eugenia, or maybe bug out to a nearby hotel with hubby till the unit can be serviced.
    Just did some gas fitting for my future propane stove, but it wasn’t below freezing at the time. Godspeed.

  6. And here I was feeling sorry for myself standing in 6 inches of snow with a propane torch, thawing the pump to get some water, twice.
    Then after it thawed, had to fix two broken pipes.
    Comparatively, I was on vacation, good luck.
    If this global warming continues, I’m gonna look into alternate heat, off the grid.

  7. Bundle up and stay warm! Brandy, brandy, brandy!
    Can you get to some facility (hospital, library, police station) where you could hole up until it’s fixed?

    Contrarily, is there a public school nearby you could burn down for warmth?

  8. I’m sending a warm tropical breeze your way. Meanwhile, get under the covers and cuddle with hubby it will warm your heart and your body.
    Can we call someone near by to help??

  9. You’ve got to get one of these Mr. Heater big buddy things:


    They run off the little green coleman propane tanks and could be a live saver if you lose power. For under $150, that is a hell of a backup plan if you get cutoff from the world for 2-3 days.

    Likewise with one of these dual source backup generators:


    Run on gas or a propane tank for a grill. The price has doubled because of winter but I grabbed one for around $230 earlier this year.

    Between those two, you at least don’t have to try to get a hotel or risk heading out in a car somewhere. Or sitting out in a car to heat up. I know that doesn’t do any good now.

    Same with a rocket stove so you can have a source to boil water to eat or hot water bottles or whatever.


    Most of this stuff gets cheaper after winter but you know a bad one will eventually come through.

  10. Eugenia, if I may be so bold: Now is the time for you and Mr. Eugenia to get nekked and under a pile of blankets. If there was ever a great excuse, now’s the time darlin’.

    Kidding (well, maybe not) aside, prayers and petitions to God Almighty for a quick, safe and long-term fix to your heating problem. Do you have an alternate source of heat, like fireplace for the interim?

    Love, ~AA

  11. We got a good guy out here. Magic words to a repair on the weekend are ‘we pay in cash.’ Can’t tell you haw many times that has gotten a repair person out here and perhaps prioritized us.

    Of course part of the nipple pipe broke inside another pie. He just got done getting it out. We don’t have the fittings he needs. Only a 6 inch and 11 inch. Yes, I am making those jokes to myself too. He’s going to get the fittings and then finished. In the mean time he got another to do later from a neighbor. Her ‘Little Joe’ is frozen. I don’t think ours is. Did guys give these pieces parts names to make us laugh?

    Got all the Carhart gear on plus boiled wool. Still think I have shivered and burned off 10 pounds. And a TMI, I swear my private parts have frozen. As if I would nekkid and frisky in this mess. Visualize that Polar Bear Plunge.

    Again, thanks for the prayers.

  12. The politics suck here in California, but at least we have decent temperatures, heat and electricity. We got a little bit of rain and the nut cases driving don’t know to slow down. Almost to my house and a car over turned onto its roof blocking the driveway. Going to damn fast. totaled the car. If it snows, I’m staying home, but haven’t seen that in years. Good luck Eugenia! You’re welcome any time to come to sunny California!

  13. Eugenia — 🙂

    Not the same situation as yours, but one winter we were without heat/lights for two or three days. Our daughter was about 7-8 years old at the time. We had more fun together during those days. We had or gas stove top so heating food wasn’t a problem. One day we spent time at a warm movie theater. The rest of the time we wore jammies and played board games by candlelight. And we all took long naps by the open hearth, snuggled down in sleeping bags. We were sleepily listening to the radio and I said, “The only thing that could possibly make this better would be if a big band program would come on.” And you know what? That’s exactly what happened. When the lights went back on we were all a little disappointed (we even thought about turning them back off).

  14. Prayers for you and your husband, Eugenia. It’s brutally cold. My bathroom pipes froze two days ago, but at least I still have heat, more or less. I use a stand-alone propane heater for backup. This place poses no danger of asphyxiation.

  15. glad to hear the ‘situation’ has gotten somewhat better for ya, Eugenie
    prayers still going your way, & to all the IoTW’ers that are battling this weather

  16. Czar I have new nipples now all shiny and greased up with plumber’s dope.

    Thanks everyone. IOTWRers prayer proved powerful once again. Vincent D’Onfrio’s twin fixed the problem and gas is burning through the furnaces. Thanks BFH for posting my prayer request.
    Thank God!

  17. @Eugenia. You do realize that you can never again complain about the heat of summer.
    Glad to hear that you have shiny new nipples and dope. And heat. Sounds like you are in for a special night.

  18. Eugenia!! I am so glad I checked back to see how you are! I am thrilled that you have heat and you and your husband can now be warm. Thanks Vincent D’Onofrio!! Have a very blessed night.

  19. yay…great news!!!

    I have one of those special buddy boy ‘safe for inside use’ that runs off small propane tanks that was mentioned earlier. never used it but worth it for the peace of mind…got it at belletetes hardware…probably home depot etc would have. there is also a coupling you can buy that lets you hook it up to a larger gas grill size propane tank. there are different kinds of buddy boy heaters so make sure you get 1 maked as ok for indoor use.

    after getting thru the blizzard of 78 I’m pretty winter paranoid. probably raise my body temperature just from fretting and worrying.

  20. My wife wondered why I was laughing, I told blurted out “Eugenia has new nipples.”

    She asked with a disgusting voice “What site are you on?”
    Quickly followed by “oh, never mind I’m going upstairs, it’s warmer up there.”

    Well, Eugenia I’m happy you have heat, it appears I may be getting the cold shoulder tonight.

  21. Pray for global warming. My water pipes have frozen twice here in upstate NY this past week. Also had to invest in a new battery for the car. I’m getting tired of thawing them out with a torch in the crawl space. The heater tapes just aren’t cutting it. When is global warming to start up again? Maybe it was just a another story…

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