Let’s Help Out UC DAVIS – IOTW Report

Let’s Help Out UC DAVIS

We ran this story yesterday- UC Davis’s effort to scrub history.


UC Davis Paid $175,00 To Scrub Image

We can help them by showing them that their efforts are futile. As they attempt to wipe the internet of the picture they want memory-holed, we are going to do more.


After the read more we will provide a file for you to use if you want to participate in this campaign.

Send yours to bigfurhat,mail@gmail.com.

We will put every submission on Facebook, and some of them on this site.




20 Comments on Let’s Help Out UC DAVIS

  1. I just spent – fruitlessly – about a half hour trying to remember how to do stuff with gimp. Rats.

    Someone with artistic AND photo edit skills should have Pepper Boy spritzing Barbra Streisand (and James Brolin, too, if you can find the right image).

  2. @LocoBlancoSaltine – Your mention of hipster sycophants made me think of that smug dreadlocked girl with the hipster glasses – you know, the poster girl for collectivist snowflakes. If anybody in the whole wide world needs a face full of capsicum spray, it is she!

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