Let’s try and lay an oft cited media myth to rest – Most mass shooters are NOT WHITE, they are BLACK – IOTW Report

Let’s try and lay an oft cited media myth to rest – Most mass shooters are NOT WHITE, they are BLACK

Would it surprise you to learn, after decades of media indoctrination, that most mass shooters (3/4ths) are black?


The lie that will not die: Most mass shooters are white.

Just Google “white mass shooters,” and you will find hundreds and hundreds of stories from The Grio, Root, Salon, CNN, PBS, and Newsweek, right up to the Washington Post, with headlines likes this, from Vice: “Why are so many mass shootings committed by young white men?”

All accompanied with fairy tales like this from the Washington Post: “a consistent pattern: Young, white men with demonstrable backgrounds of mental instability or violence against women taking the lives of as many people as possible.”

At least one legacy media outfit figured out, however painful it was to report (and bury in the middle of the jump), that three quarters of mass shooters are black.  That was the New York Times.

You read that right: mass shootings are a black thing.  And we find them almost every day.  Often more than one.  In Philadelphia alone, they report one every eleven days.

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12 Comments on Let’s try and lay an oft cited media myth to rest – Most mass shooters are NOT WHITE, they are BLACK

  1. It depends on the media’s definition of “mass shooter.”

    I am not excusing the media, or the shooters, simply trying to make sense out of the term.

    It is most likely that more people in the US are shot by blacks than by whites, which says something about a group which is only approximately 12.5% of the population.

    Just sayin’.

    Just sayin’.

  2. In CA, most of the shooting I saw done was Mexicans, MS-13, (latinos), Bloods/Cripps (black), and the occasional Mexican chicas who start their own gang or get jumped in (uh. Literally. lol) as some of the others’ bitches.

    They spray a city block with bullets. They spray into houses, apartments, flea markets, swap meets, the football fields at high schools, where ever when ever. OK not whenever. Because they usually aren’t up before 3:30 pm on weekdays. But anyway, they will shoot/kill up to 5 people at a time. AND sometimes people are shot and don’t go to the hospital. They wait a few days before they go, because they figure the other gang will be waiting outside the ER to finish them off.

    Here’s another fun fact. There are hospitals that will remove gang tattoos FOR FREE. (CA taxpayer ‘free’) Because homies are tryna get jobs an shit and don’t want them tatts, yo! HA! Maybe 1 out of 500 want to quit gangbanging, but the rest just want to switch gangs or hide identifying marks from cops. But morons at the hospitals and the state don’t think that far.

    Long story short. Latin and Black are the prolific shooters.

  3. The root problem [as MJA points out] is that blacks & latinos make up the largest groups of gang memberships. I almost laugh out loud when I see one of those ‘In depth look’ shows about the Aryan Nation. Those guys have nowhere near the membership or nationwide spread as the black / latinos and nowhere near the membership. But they’re white so they always are the baddest of the bad guys.

    Liberals love to excuse the black / latino behavior as cultural expressions and that they’re all the victims of racism. If you were to go to any of the major dem controlled cities and round up the gang members and toss them in prison, there’d be a dramatic drop in shootings.

  4. Women are serial killers, too. No, they don’t usually stalk like men do, but they have been known to poison patients in hospitals, kill husband, remarry, kill another husband, etc.

  5. If living near Baltimore taught me anything it is
    if you can’t avoid going in, at least stay out of
    the black areas (most of the city) or be prepared
    for the consequences of having a gun shoved in your
    face or just get shot for the hell of it..
    Worse is since Freddy Gray; the cops have been tied up by
    the nutty black politicians and even the rich white areas are no longer a good place to be.

  6. @MJA: No I hadn’t seen it but it does not surprise me at all. The Klan or any of the ‘white supremacists’ are fringe at best. BLM, Antifa, etc. are not. The media helped create them and keeps them in the public eye in a positive manner.


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