Letter Found in Car Glovebox – IOTW Report

Letter Found in Car Glovebox

A man bought this car for his daughter, and then found a letter in the glovebox.

—>rest of the letter HERE

ht/ Woody

35 Comments on Letter Found in Car Glovebox

  1. I think if that had been me, I would have parked the car in his driveway one night and left the keys and the title with a note saying “Thanks for letting me borrow your mom’s car for a little awhile. It could use a few pounds of air in the right rear…….”

  2. Capitalism only works if everything has a price. Including mercenaries to be sure “Fuck you! Where’s my money?” is the sweetest preyer of all.

    What’s wrong with you long haired, smelly, commies?

  3. Weirdo……..if it means that much to you keep it and sell your car to the girl and leave a note about losing your virginity in the back seat…………alone……….with a puppet………cuz yer weird and girls wont go out with you.

  4. I would take the financial hit and return the car to him. There are tons of used cars out there, I’ll find another for my kids cuz if I didn’t i’m not sure i could sleep well anymore. But knowing this grieving man is happy again I could sleep like a rock underwater.

  5. That’s an enormous loss and a lot of grief poured out in that letter. I’ve been there. It gets easier eventually. Not sure I would have laid that all down for a stranger to encounter — in fact, pretty sure I would not, but that’s how it goes. Everyone’s coping style is different. At the time, my touchstone was a much loved extension ladder.

  6. Nope. Don’t respond in the “I’m giving it back” because I probably paid too much for it at the “pre-owned” lot anyway.

    It’s the same argument about a house or an ex-wife, ex-husband, or boyfriend/girlfriend. Memories were made but time to MOVE ON.

    Actually it’d creep me out a little. Only in millenial America could this actually be considered normal.

    You can have your memories but I don’t want them in this way.

    BTW why did they get rid of the car? To liquidate her assets for her heirs who probably benefited from it. Did they leave a note at the house or in each of her articles of clothing they probably sold at the secondhand store?

  7. Final thought – I’m probably off base but “mix up with the paperwork” sounds like the “check got lost in the mail” thingy.

    Course I just may be heartless as well.

  8. @ Hans, there was a house fire that killed her family and destroyed her possessions, according to her letter. Insurance wouldn’t pay for car and funerals stretched her finances. I kind of agree with the creepy factor, however

  9. “After finding this letter, Kevin was incredibly emotional and felt inclined to try whatever he could to reunite this car with this daughter. The writer of the letter eventually came forward after the letter was posted to social media, and Kevin and his daughter Jada decided to try and raise enough money for Jada to get a new car so the writer could have this car back and use it as a memory of her mother.”

  10. The ads make it difficult to find the last paragraph…

    After finding this letter, Kevin was incredibly emotional and felt inclined to try whatever he could to reunite this car with this daughter. The writer of the letter eventually came forward after the letter was posted to social media, and Kevin and his daughter Jada decided to try and raise enough money for Jada to get a new car so the writer could have this car back and use it as a memory of her mother.

  11. Groucho Marxist
    Many of our generation lost family members, friends and classmates.
    The song and real life story of Pvt. Malone was repeated over 50,000 times during the Vietnam War…… it wasn’t a car that was left, it was broken families, relations, a destroyed future and fleeting memories.

    This scenario like the generations before (Korea, WWII, WWI) and after (Middle East) shows the carnage and losses affects far more than the statistical records would indicate.
    God Bless our Veterans, present and past.
    Monday, May 28, 2018 is Memorial Day, but we should remember and be thankful everyday.

  12. I don’t know. The letter was written in 2015. Is this an old story, or was the car sitting on a lot for 3 years or did “dad” just find the letter recently after owning the car all this time? Why was it so hard to find the guy? Title search at DMV could find the previous owner. Call me jaded and cynical, but it has the ring of a scam, especially the part at the end where they ask for money.

  13. Emotional blackmail…. but what do I know… just another heartless Conservative.

    How is this different from group therapy, where everyone has to sit and spew their feelings… it just prolongs the agonies.

  14. Seems like a heartfelt note. Owner sustained a major shock but still took the time to reflect on the loss of loved ones.
    I vote non-creepy.

    Thoughtful heads-up about the backseat diaper changes.

  15. It’s a story a couple (?) of years old that was resolved well. Someone started a Youcaring fund & it was featured on a TLC episode. Sylvia was returned & the young lady got another car.

  16. I can understand all the comments, pro and against, and I will add-
    I wonder what would the previous owner do if they still had the car and it fell apart beyond repair? What if it was totaled?

    A person always has their mother or father’s belongings but not in objects, but in them, the person. We are all parts of our moms and dads so let’s just take good care of ourselves so that no one has to write a letter on behalf of US. lol. 🙂

  17. What an overt guilt trip.
    So much sneakiness between the lines.
    The note should have been addressed to the car dealer(S). Take a drive to the outskirts of your cities and look at all the vehicle holding tanks that pass from one corporate dealership to another until it lands in your local dealership.
    That it was hidden for an unsuspecting innocent third party to find and mentally anguish over?
    Yea, no preplanning there.
    That car was meant to be sent into a virtually indefinite solar orbit, on a path taking it as far from Earth as Mars, drifting through space with the words Don’t Panic displayed on the dashboard screen.


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