Lib Anti-Gun Talking Points Punctured By DOJ Report – IOTW Report

Lib Anti-Gun Talking Points Punctured By DOJ Report

We must close those GUN SHOW LOOPHOLES!

The NRA has blood on their hands!!!

What else?


14 Comments on Lib Anti-Gun Talking Points Punctured By DOJ Report

  1. I have an alternative plan to the lib plan. It goes something like this.

    The federal government shall maintain an accurate database listing make, model and serial number of any and all firearms that have been reported stolen.

    If you are convicted of stealing any firearm or firearms you get a non-negotiable sentence enhancement of 10 years per firearm and there is no opportunity for any judge to reduce or waive that sentence enhancement.

    If you are convicted of a felony and were using a stolen firearm you get a non-negotiable sentence enhancement of 25 years per conviction and there is no opportunity for any judge to reduce or waive that sentence enhancement. This is ON TOP OF ANY sentence enhancement gained from just using any firearm or by virtue of any other upgrade.

    If you are convicted of being in possession of any stolen firearm or firearms you get a non-negotiable sentence of 5 years per firearm and there is no opportunity for any judge to reduce or waive that sentence enhancement.

    If you own any firearms that you have any question about then it is your responsibility to check the above mentioned database.

  2. .45-70
    Here’s how they came up with the loop hole theory. They get the vendors names and cross check them for an FFL. OH MY GOD, 15% of these vendors don’t have an FFL. They never figured out you don’t need an FFL to sell holsters or pepper spray.

  3. The Founding Fathers GAVE us a gun law – “shall NOT be infringed.”

    There was no need for FURTHER “gun laws.” “Robbery/theft/larceny” were ALREADY crimes. “Rape/Murder” were already crimes, and the penalty was DEATH. Since the EXECUTED weren’t going to commit any MORE crimes, ALL the laws, WORKED.

    When they started short-cutting the law – plea-bargaining the crime – ignoring the punishment… than you ‘needed’ more – INEFFECTUAL – laws. And inanities like, “Sooper-dee-DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPER background checks.” 🙄

    ENFORCE the original laws – problem SOLVED.


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