Lib Pundits Perplexed by Biden’s Incompetence – IOTW Report

Lib Pundits Perplexed by Biden’s Incompetence

Is it just me, or is Joe’s head starting to look like a granite counter top?

Dan Bongino-

Hilarity ensued on this week’s episode of Meet the Press as the panel attempted to explain away Joe Biden’s countless failures amid multiple crises while realizing that “the adults” aren’t back in charge like they previously claimed.

White House correspondent Jeff Mason commented that the mood at the White House seems “as if it’s only getting worse,” adding “I mean, they’re certainly embattled right now. But this White House has said from the beginning Joe Biden can chew gum and walk at the same time and all the people around him can do the same.”

Punchbowl News’ Anna Palmer commented “this is something where this White House has really not kind of got its feet underneath it. Now we’re weeks into this, right? They need to kind of figure out what their messaging is going to be, how are they going to deal with tough questions.”

Meanwhile, Vote Latino’s Maria Teresa Kumar coped by blaming fake news for what the American public is seeing with their own eyes. “As you said, Chuck, there is tons of disinformation right now … whether it’s getting information that just doesn’t allow them to understand what the government is actually doing for them,” she complained, as liberals maintain a near-monopoly in the mainstream media. more

20 Comments on Lib Pundits Perplexed by Biden’s Incompetence

  1. “…But this White House has said from the beginning Joe Biden can chew gum and walk at the same time and all the people around him can do the same.”

    I’m still waiting to see proof of that assertion.

  2. They ae a bit slow on the uptake. Incompetence has been recognized only second to his lying as a defining characteristic of this buffoon ever since he first appeared on the national stage.

  3. “…information that just doesn’t allow them to understand what the government is actually doing for them.”

    We do understand. We just wish it would do less. Government should do what government is supposed to do, not all this other garbage.

  4. “…But this White House has said from the beginning Joe Biden can chew gum and walk at the same time” Yea, but they didn’t finish it, “without walking in front of a train”

  5. @TommyBoy
    Ha! I would pay good money to watch King Joe the Child Slayer, or any of his staff try to chew gum and walk at the same time.
    The resulting memes would be comedy gold.
    And JDH, those plugs had no chance of survival from the start.
    There is absolutely nothing in that head that could provide nutrients. The poor things starved to death.

  6. I think that’s one of the propaganda machine’s favorite sayings right now. “This White House says…”
    They keep repeating it like everyone is an idiot like they are.
    And yes, Pedo Joe’s head is looking bad.
    He’s going downhill fast.

  7. I have a question that’s kinda off topic.
    Has anyone noticed a huge increase in the push for the flu shot?
    In my area, almost every other commercial, if not about the C-19″vaccine”, is about the flu shot.
    Does anyone trust that they won’t do a bait and switch?

  8. “Incompetence” my ass.
    The country is spiraling into the abyss! The economy is stagnant. Gasoline prices are increasing. You can’t buy whole corn for the deer.
    Buy bacon recently?
    He is destroying this country – each and every day – he is anything but incompetent – for that is his intent and purpose.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Liberal Pundits perplexed by Biden’s incompetence??
    Wait a minute… they’ve been trying to destroy the country since the mid sixties (Cloward-Piven told them how) so they finally went out and got the biggest, most incompetent, flaming fuck up they could find, put him in the White House and now they say they’re confused???
    WTH! They’re even dumber than Jackass Joe!

  10. “But this White House has said from the beginning Joe Biden can chew gum and walk at the same time”

    Given what we’ve seen of Biden, at this point, that actually WOULD be an accomplishment.

  11. A granite countertop is far more useful & probably much smarter than the husk ever thought about being. As for the MSM, they wanted this clown in office because Orange Man Bad & are surprised at his utter ineptitude?

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