Liberal Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor Says She Sometimes Cries Over Rulings – IOTW Report

Liberal Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor Says She Sometimes Cries Over Rulings

And Here Lies The Problem-

Why would you cry over whether something is constitutional or not?

The crying indicates not being able to get what you want in an activist court. She should be impeached.

dm- Liberal Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor says she sometimes cries over rulings made by conservative-majority court and hints more right-wing bombshells are to come

17 Comments on Liberal Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor Says She Sometimes Cries Over Rulings

  1. ¡Ay, pobrecita! That hard-lib Sobbin’ Sonia cries over decisions that don’t go her way is just fine by me, if only as an indicator that the decision was correct.

  2. Yeah, that’s what we need, a fat, sick, ugly, ignorant, doesn’t understand the difference between states rights and federal rights, latina who cries when she doesn’t get her way.

  3. @ Tsquared SATURDAY, 25 MAY 2024, 9:12 AT 9:12 AM

    While I don’t agree with killing an unborn child, I am sure she and her parents do.

    It was a mistake for her parents to even let this vile sack of shit to be born. Live up to your ideals you fucking libs.

  4. I’m in the market for liberal tears. can someone ask her to bottle those tears? I’d cut her in for a piece of the action but 1. I wouldn’t want her to compromise her Marxists values and 2. some of the action might cause her to stop crying.

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