Liberals are idiotic and frustrating – IOTW Report

Liberals are idiotic and frustrating

chabanais Stronger than derp –

13 Comments on Liberals are idiotic and frustrating

  1. Liberals are just fully grown humans with under developed brains. Their ideology is no more sophisticated than a child that believes in Santa Claus and the Easter bunny. Actually, it’s kind of the same mentality. Somebody is going to give me free toys and candy.

  2. Biological human science gives us an undisputed settled scientific fact: There are 2 genders.

    Liberals – There are 72 genders, 70 of which matter. “traditional genders” are sexist and racist.

    The temperature of the Earth can be correlated 100% to the sun in which Earth orbits.

    Liberals – MAN is the sole reason for the temperature and any extreme weather. (note, they lean on MAN, an irrelevant gender)

  3. @PHenry:

    Liberals are just fully grown humans with under developed brains. Their ideology is no more sophisticated than a child that believes in Santa Claus and the Easter bunny.

    Don’t forget the Tooth Fairy. They’ll put a tooth under the pillow expecting to get money for it, but it won’t be one of their own teeth.

  4. Don’t get frustrated – SMACK ‘EM!

    1) it RELIEVES frustration
    2) they NEED it
    3) you could always strike gold, and knock some sense INTO them!
    4) if not, smack ’em AGAIN… for GOOD measure! 😆

    WHAT’S to be frustrated about?! 😀


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