Liberals Are in Trouble – and They Know It – IOTW Report

Liberals Are in Trouble – and They Know It

American Thinker: Conservatives often complain about the lamentable state of their movement. They would do well to look left.  Liberals are in greater trouble, and they know it.

The recent special elections for vacant House seats made this evident. The thrashing liberals received in the 2016 elections were also a sign of an inability to communicate their message.  Gone are the days in which liberals worked inside a consensus and engaged in debate with others. Everywhere, liberal democracy seems to be endangered by the breakdown of political discourse.

This is due to a great crisis inside the left worldwide. It is no longer a movement of ideas. Liberals have no new ideas because they have adopted such an extreme relativism that they no longer strongly believe in anything. Everything is fluid and undefined. In this way, they have undermined their own foundation of logic and authority that is essential to the functioning of any political movement.  read more

9 Comments on Liberals Are in Trouble – and They Know It

  1. Let them rant, rave and act like the children and far-Left, bomb-throwing Radicals they truly are. The American people have eyes and ears and can plainly see what’s going on and what Liberal-Progressives stand for. Some Americans take longer than others to see it. Some Americans will never see it, but the trend show it going in the right direction.

  2. I agree they are lost at sea, but it still happens that they have an uncanny ability, to pull the opposition in their direction. They have a magnetic like pull that moves the weak kneed into embracing a diluted version of their hair brained ideas. We are a far way from making the corrections needed to restore sanity. If Trump wasn’t elected we’d be even farther along in the wrong direction and if he isn’t able to get us back, there is no hope. Nobody else is close to having that amount of courage. I wish our country luck.

  3. Wait until (many) liberals awaken to the truth that their lives were parasitic and were paid for by the government pointing guns at their fellow citizens. Their only recourse would be suicide.

  4. We really should be encouraging the Left to save the planet by self-euthanizing themselves.
    “Suicide is painless
    It brings in many changes
    And I can do it anytime I please”

    Assemble the old Lefty cast of M*A*S*H.
    Pay them basic scale to make PSA’s.
    Tell them it’s for Gaia.

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