Liberals Move to Ban Balloons – IOTW Report

Liberals Move to Ban Balloons

You and I in a little toy shop
Buy a bag of balloons with the money we’ve got
Set them free at the break of dawn
’til one by one, they were gone…

American Thinker: According to German pop singer Nena, who sang us this story back in 1983, the fanciful release of 99 red balloons inadvertently triggered global thermonuclear war.  It was a cute antiwar song, a Euro-pop warning about an overeager “war machine” and the Bomb.  But now it’s the balloons we have to worry about:

The joyous celebration of releasing balloons into the air has long bothered environmentalists, who say the pieces that fall back to earth can be deadly to seabirds and turtles that eat them.  So as companies vow to banish plastic straws, there are signs balloons will be among the products to get more scrutiny, even though they’re a very small part of environmental pollution.

Accordingly, campaigns are afoot to discourage balloon releases at weddings, some states have passed laws restricting them, Clemson University ended its pre-game tradition of releasing 10,000 balloons before games, and so far at least one town in Rhode Island has banned the sale of all balloons out of concern for marine life.  The town warden suggests balloon alternatives, like “posters, piñatas and decorated paper.”  But can you tie a piñata into a giraffe?   more here

20 Comments on Liberals Move to Ban Balloons

  1. Ninety nine red balloons
    Floating in the summer sky
    Panic bells, its red alert

    Sounds like a panic about a red state wave in Nov elections to me.

    Hey Wally, what would a 99 seat Senate majority be like?
    Gee, I don’t know Bev, but wouldn’t it be fun to find out! Just mentioning it makes the democrats face go all funny n stuff.

  2. 99 floating balloons in the sky….99 floating balloons.
    Shoot one down. Load another round.
    98 floating balloons in the sky.

    98 floating balloons in the sky….98 floating balloons.
    Shoot one down. Load another round.
    97 floating balloons in the sky.

    and so forth….. 🙂

  3. This is racist! It will have a profound effect on the African American population especially. After every shooting and any other event it’s they who buy the balloons and t-shirts to commemorate their loved ones.

  4. Unless your idea of a good time is groveling at Bernie Sanders’ or Hillary Clinton’s feet, or deluding yourself into believing that Ms. Occasional Cortex or Kamela Harris have any idea of what they are talking about, the sole function of a liberal is to suck all of the joy out of life.

  5. Again?!
    This movement disappeared back in the 1980s when they couldn’t find one instance of a wild animal dying from ingesting a stinking’ rubber balloon. Animals are not as dumb as libtards are.

  6. I knew a man who worked at a state park, one year a group of young democrats held their yearly meeting there. They flooded the camp site and the beach area with used condoms. So I say don’t ban the rubber, ban democrats. At least that would be something substantial that would really make life better for all of us.

  7. So…… we have cities covered with used syringes and human feces, but we need to concern ourselves with balloons….. I get it! not.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  8. Think I’ve said before I work on interstate natural gas pipelines. Which transport methane. Methane is about 97% of what natural gas consists of. It has a relative density of ~.57, so it rises in air.

    It rises even when you capture it in large trash bags and then tape on 20 feet of aluminum foil. You let that go one clear bright day and it will rise so high you lose sight of it with an excellent set of 8X50 Nikon binoculars.

    Not sure how high it makes it but shortly before it gets undiscernable the sunlight that’s reflected off that aluminum foil gets pure and most especially bright.

    Ah well, now you know a bit about my idle amusements.


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