Libs Love Pelosi’s “Clap Back” – IOTW Report

Libs Love Pelosi’s “Clap Back”

The left in this country is applauding the childish antics of Speaker Nancy Pelosi last night during the State of the Union Address. Her aggressive clapping posture directed towards the Commander-In-Chief  was just one of many not so subtle body language  expressions by the often verbally challenged speaker of the house. More

19 Comments on Libs Love Pelosi’s “Clap Back”

  1. Look, the woman’s ovaries turned to dust under the Reagan administration. She most likely wears dentures,almost assuredly has onset of dementia, and she is a loon. She is an embarassment.

  2. Nancy’s Nazis exhibit the same hive mentality of the Third Reich. their group-think goes so far that they all dress in the same fashion, as ordered by their Dear Leader. as much as Pravda touts Occasional Cortex as a new, fresh voice, she doesn’t wipe her ass without permission from smirking Nan

    I’m surprised that coven didn’t goose-step, in hob-nailed boots, into the chamber w/ banners waving

    & that old bint shuffling her papers throughout the speech was way beyond rude

  3. Gee Wally, she reminds me of Paul Revere’s ride… a little light in the belfry!

    Yeah Beave, that woman is nuttier than squirrel poop and more confused than a mood ring on a paranoid, bi-polar, schizophrenic chameleon trapped in a bag of Skittles and if her memory gets any worse she’ll be planning her own surprise parties!

  4. This reminds me of a cyclical Trump narrative: “childish Trump needs adults in the room”. Maybe it would help if Pelosi would act like one when she’s in the room. It is her room, after all.

  5. I curse the 17th amendment. It’s given us slugs like Pelosi and it’s practical result is exactly why there’s such a push by the democrats to abolish the electoral college. The end result is mob rule.


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