Lifson Spot On – Identifies Progressive Plans To Oust Trump Through New Dem Ethics Rules – IOTW Report

Lifson Spot On – Identifies Progressive Plans To Oust Trump Through New Dem Ethics Rules

Al Franken is the sacrificial lamb.

He will be asked to go in order to establish the democrat’s new rule – if you did scummy things before elected, you’re gone. This, of course, is simply to justify the request that Trump must go due to past indiscretions, of which they will manufacture more.

The chutzpah for this gambit, considering they tried tooth and nail to get Bill and Hillary back into the white house, is so left-wing. By that I mean predictably hypocritical.

Thomas Lifson fleshes this out more HERE.


27 Comments on Lifson Spot On – Identifies Progressive Plans To Oust Trump Through New Dem Ethics Rules

  1. What indiscretions did Trump have? I thought it was all talk. There’s no proof Trump did anything either. There’s only recording of a guy talking to another guy about the absurdity of Fame, and that women *LET YOU* … do… xyz to them because of your Fame. That sounds like consent to me, even if it’s a hypothetical situation that’s being proposed.

    But yes, I see your point with regards to DEMS, trying to possibly use Franken as the standard for male Politicians caught physically doing something to a woman. Photo evidence is damning.

  2. There isn’t any proof that Trump did anything wrong, only allegations. With franken, there is proof, in the form of photographs. For Trump, as for everyone, innocence is assumed until proven otherwise. I don’t think he did anything wrong.
    But I mostly have problems with making a law that retroactively establishes a crime or guilt, proven or not. I don’t think that would stand. And it if did, our form of government is gone. I have read that we are moving towards another ‘dark ages’- this would get us well along the way there.

  3. I haven’t been able to put my finger on why all these sexual harrassment charges are coming out now. There is a reason and a strategy, but it isn’t clear to me yet. The left always has a hidden agenda, and things appear coordinated.

    We do know they think Franken could lose his seat next election, so he is the perfect choice to take one for the team.

    I don’t think they can take Trump down with a smear campaign. I think it would blow up in their face.

    The purpose of the campaign should be apparent soon, or at least by the 2018 primaries.

  4. Crimeny! I think Lifson is a sound thinker, but you could wallpaper the Capitol Rotunda with the D’s sex scandal sheet — and that’s AFTER they were elected.

    All those girlies who “came forward” during the campaign to accuse Trump of sexual improprieties were all debunked as liars.

  5. Mortgages,

    Yes, I too have wondered what their angle is and you sparked an idea.

    Maybe…just maybe…they’re finally prepping to go all-out hardball before 2018 and will start to empty their secret files of all sitting Republican adulterers, child porn aficionados, etc, who’ve mysteriously played along with the Leftists and screwed us for years. Maybe that’s the setup. If they clear their own decks now, there’ll be nothing left for the Rs to fire back with.

    Just a guess but…it might work and I wouldn’t put it past them.

  6. This is just a variation on the piss dossier: create lurid allegations to justify spying and investigations. The public is onto the tiresome, predictable “accusations without evidence” gambit, and the shock value has worn off. The electorate can no longer be stampeded, and the Uniparty has realized that they will destroy themselves if they keep nuking each other. They will reach detente based on Mutual Assured Destruction before they launch on Trump again.

    And for somebody who is supposedly a sacrificial lamb, Franken is being defense by Dems like he was Bill Clinton in ’98. And if it’s a game of sacrifing pawns to get to the king, the Dems are going to have to sacrifice more than one to have any hope. I don’t think they have the guts to give up that much power on the dubious notion that it will get rid of Trump.

  7. Since they can’t Scalise all Rs, this would be the next best thing and just as effective, holding the Rs to their own professed moral standards and watch them off themselves en masse.

  8. This all assumes that Roy Moore will go down. I think not. In fact, when he wins, the swamp will be that much lower. And PDT will have strengthened his hold on what’s left of the GOP. Once Moore wins, McConnell will be running and gobbling as the hatchet follows him. Let us all bow our heads in thanksgiving.

  9. I barely finish writing a commemt and NBC starts talking about Trump critizing Franken, and ignoring Moore. Then mention the previous allegation and Access Hollywood tape.

    These people are so pathetic.

  10. Nah, this is Hollywood criminals, some drama-queening and the attacking of each other. Of course it will spread to the lefties in gubmint because hollywood and DC are tied together. One wants legislation and the other provides the money for it. Franken isn’t going anywhere, they’ll have to jail him before he leaves. And even then, he’s gonna vote from prison. McCain walked into Congress pre-dirty and he hasn’t quit. Kennedy, Bush, Clinton… Are you kidding me? These fools have the grandiose feelings of self-worth we could never imagine.

  11. Keep in mind, he pretended to feel up Tweeden. What else he did isn’t proven- as in no pictures, no eye witnesses, etc. What he did was scummy as hell, but it isn’t jail-worthy. Now, the Clintons, on the other hand…

  12. This all is just so much noise and smoke the Dems are sending up. All they want is a House majority so they can impeach Trump. If AL goes for the Dem, they may shoot for the full monty of removal hoping enough Rs jump to the dark side.

  13. I look at it different.
    I think Trump has finally found the drain plug he needed to drain the swamp.
    The swamp creatures are in a panic. These guys are throwing anyone they can under the bus in the hope that the public’s limited attention span will kick in and interest will die off before their name comes up. Their reliance in the lamestream media to distract the public when necessary is no longer working.
    They may think that throwing Frankenstein, or even slick willy under the bus will be the solution, but they don’t understand that Mr. bent dick set the standard for sleaze that the rest have emulated for the past 20 years. They are all involved somehow – either directly active or enablers.

  14. @mrmittens — Tweeden already talked about this. That pic was taken about 11 years ago on a USA tour to the ME. Frankenweenie wasn’t elected until ’07, seated in ’08.

  15. Any video of the Hollywood crowd cheering Roman Polanski? Let’s see pictures and names so we can at least shut them up. He was proven guilty drugging a young teen girl but became a hero to that crowd.

  16. From an embedded article

    The Washington Post reported that “between 1997 and 2014, $15.2 million was paid out to 235 claimants.” While that’s a staggering amount of money, even more staggering is the number of claimants involved. Since 1997, 235 women have been the victims of sexual predators while working in the U.S. Congress. That’s an average of almost twelve cases per year – about one case every month. This number can’t be the result of just a couple of predators. This number seems to indicate that there are many sexual predators lurking in the halls of the U.S. Congress.

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