Top row are fathers. Middle row are Beatles. Bottom row are sons.

Looks like Ringo’s wives were seeking extracurricular activities.
ht/ woody
Top row are fathers. Middle row are Beatles. Bottom row are sons.
Looks like Ringo’s wives were seeking extracurricular activities.
ht/ woody
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didn’t know Ringo fathered George Lucas
btw, Ringo’s sons, both birthed by his first wife Mareen, kinda kill the rumor that George was ‘plowing the field’
funny fact: look at the Beatles ‘Rubber Soul’ cover shot … they all have the same upper lip shape …. Who’s yer Daddy, indeed!
Paul’s son didn’t get his teenage heartthrob genes.
I think the Beatles facilitated a really important jump between blues and rock. Other than that I don’t have much use for them. And I could care less where their spreading their seed.
I recognize that the Beatles, versed in the blues, changed the direction of rock … forever
for better or worse is in the ear of the beholder
back in the day, went ‘steady’ (about 2 years) w/ a drop-dead gorgeous girl that thought surf music & car music was the epitome of rock … we split up (damn, she was hot!)
btw, first time I’ve ever seen a photo of Freddie
This is John’s son with a nice gal. This is John’s son with a witch.
Sir Paul begat Sir Loin. I like how his hair implants have aged with him.
Sad that Eric got one past Pattie’s goaltenders but George did not. Dhani is cool.
Ringo was busy banging ho’s on pool tables on acid so that could explain his ringlets.
Please, Enough with the Beatles.
Move the fuck on.
I’ll take The Stones, TINA, Willie, ELVIS, Ray, ORBISON, FLEETWOOD MAC, Merle, CASH, EVH, LIGHTFOOT, ANTI-VAX CLAPTON, LIONEL, and I could go on.
JHC, even the BEE GEES!
Kcuf Me, Enough with the Dung BEATLES!
Every time someone plays a beetles tune, Yoko Gets a few bucks FFS!
…and she ain’t a conservative or a libertarian.
she’s very lawsuitee & litigationee.
I’ll take,
“People who have smoked a Meat Pipe”, for $800, Alex.
Ringo is my favorite living Beatle.
Beatle sons fared better than Beatle daughters.
Kcir…I hear ya, bro. But we have to face the fact that new ways will be found to decorate our lives with the Fab Four at least until the last Boomer dies.
Now let’s see the Village People “Fathers &——oops, only two rows there. What’s up with that?
@Brad>: I recall hearing an interview with the Beatles and they said that the influencers in their early years were Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee Lewis, Buddy Guy. You can hear a ring of those people in the Beatles (and Rolling Stones) music. As a matter of fact, some of the groups did remakes of those great artists songs. (Good Golly Ms Molly for instance)
Screw you Beatles hating morons. And get off of my lawn; go fornicate yourselves somewhere else.
the only 2 beatle kids who are musically inclined are dhani harrison &
zak starkey (drummer for the who)
paul’s kid did not inherit his good looks, he’s a balding fat pig
yoko ono & anyone from somalia: they both live off dead dead beetles/beatles
…live off dead…
I dated the Beatles’ grandmothers.
As far as I can hear, Harrison’s kid is the only one that inherited any talent, which tends to go a lot further than looks.
which one is ringo?