Like Toilet Paper Stuck To Your Shoe – Hillary Eyeing NYC Mayoral Bid – IOTW Report

Like Toilet Paper Stuck To Your Shoe – Hillary Eyeing NYC Mayoral Bid

Either she’s toilet paper, or one of those horror film monsters that won’t die.


Barely two months after Hillary Clinton lost the presidency to Donald Trump, she is being urged by major Democratic donors and leaders to make a bid for New York City’s mayor and challenge incumbent Bill de Blasio, Newsmax has learned.

“She’s talking about it,” a former city Democratic elected official admitted to Newsmax over the weekend, saying the idea has not been dismissed by the former first lady’s inner circle.

He and other sources say Clinton is being pushed to run by Democrats dissatisfied over de Blasio’s mayoralty.

“If she ran, she’d win,” another source with deep ties to the Democratic and media establishment said.


32 Comments on Like Toilet Paper Stuck To Your Shoe – Hillary Eyeing NYC Mayoral Bid

  1. New York City and Hilary Clinton deserve each other. Run Hilary, run! I wonder if she thinks she can still sell influence if all she is is a mayor of a city. I don’t think Mohammad or Abdul will be impressed.

  2. Dems really do love themselves some corruption. And James Garfield is proven correct yet again [“Now, more than ever before, the people are responsible for the character of their” (government) . . . 1877]

  3. The primary would be a Texas steel cage battle to the death. I guess she didn’t learn that she can’t “out Bernie” a real socialist when she’s in the tank for Goldman Sachs, and “Red” deBlasio (nee:Warren Wilhelm)has credentials that are as bonafide as Bernie’s. But to see the two of them slug it out……priceless!

  4. It would be a good fit.

    A lying, scheming, murderous, wanton, amoral, venomous, evil bitch and the “City That Never Sleeps” … or wakes up, for that matter …

    The Land of de Blasio, Bloomberg, Dinkins, and Walker could hardly do worse.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Anything to keep that slush fund foundation able to keep generating cash. I just read an article that NY was hemorrhaging people to other states. This should help further that exodus.

  6. Should be an excellent opportunity for Hillary to bring hate and discontent to Trump Enterprises in the city. Her new address could be 354 Hunter Street Ossining, New York 10562

  7. Everything the Clinton’s say or do is strategically calculated. She’s doing this to stay a step ahead of Prosecutors. New York City is full of the dumbest people in the country, even though most have a handful of degrees on their I-love-me walls.

  8. Trump needs to get the new AG busy and hire special prosecutors to bring her down, once and for all. The only method to do that is to convict her, sentence her, hang her, decapitate her, and then chop up the body parts and put them in the firey furnaces. Use more than one furnace to keep the demon from reassembling inside.

  9. Doesn’t a mayoral candidate have to, you know, actually live in the city? I she gonna carpet… bag (I know you thought I was gonna say “munch”) her way into the NY mayor’s office the way she carpet bagged her way into a Senate seat?

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