11 Comments on LIKELY STORY…

  1. I happened to be in the OR while they were removing a nail polish remover bottle from a guy’s butt, can’t remember if it was plastic or glass. Eventually the surgeon ordered paper drapes be taped over the observation window. true story.

  2. Years ago my then-boss’s wife was a nurse in a hospital emergency room. He would pass on tales of men who came in with anal-related emergency conditions. There was the usual – – gerbils, sausages, etc. but the worst one was a broken light bulb.

  3. As someone over 50 and have had both prostrate screenings and the horrible barium enema, my butt has a sign, exit only. They knock me out for the poke and peek, thanks to modern medicine.
    I don’t get it.

  4. Met an ER Doc who while in training at the ER in Boston, had to treat a Patient that had a Cucumber so far up his ass that they had to slice open His stomach…reach in and squeeze the Cucumber out….12 Years of School…Hundreds of Hours of Practice…and He picked up the nickname
    “The Salad Shooter”

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