Linda Tripp Regrets Not Blowing the Whistle on Bill Clinton’s Affair Sooner – IOTW Report

Linda Tripp Regrets Not Blowing the Whistle on Bill Clinton’s Affair Sooner

Western Journalism: One of the central figures in exposing a scandal that led to President Bill Clinton’s impeachment is expounding on her role and the impact her involvement had on the nation.

As The Daily Caller reported, Linda Tripp addressed a forum gathered in D.C. for National Whistleblower Day.

The one-time White House staffer who secretly recorded conversations with Monica Lewinsky in which the intern described sexual acts with Clinton said she only regrets that it took her as long as it did to take that step.

“I told the truth,” she said during an event hosted by the National Whistleblower Center. “I do fault myself for not having the gumption or the courage to do it sooner.”

Tripp said she had been “quiet for many years” prior to deciding to gather and release the damning information, blaming fear and allegedly threatening environment within the administration for her failure to act earlier.

“I was afraid on many levels to speak up,” she said. “There was a quote, and I will give you the quote: ‘We will just have to destroy them.’ I first heard these startling words in the West Wing of the White House. They were chilling.” MORE

5 Comments on Linda Tripp Regrets Not Blowing the Whistle on Bill Clinton’s Affair Sooner

  1. @MJA: The Secret Service has been protecting Presidents and their indiscretions since the days of FDR and JFK for sure, and probably long before that. It’s just part of their job.

  2. The road from Little Rock to DC was littered with the Clinton’s dead – who’s gonna speak up?

    Just like corruption in Congress and pederasty in Hollyweird, everybody knows but averts their eyes and hopes for the best (for themselves, of course, not for the victims).
    Seems to be human nature.

    izlamo delenda est …


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